Title: Continuing Education for Masters Biostatisticians- Third Thursday of the month. Participants: Tebeb Gebretsadik, William Wu

Brief description:

The objective of this project is to assist and facilitate the continuing education of Masters level biostatisticians through monthly seminars on biostatistical and technical skills. It will require the participation of each biostatistician to be involved in learning and/or teaching these skills. The seminar on each specific biostatistical method/skill would be considered successful when the biostatistician would have enough background and technical tools to start using it. General topics or theoretical topics can be referred or presented as background but the session will be a practical summary that outlines every thing the biostatistician needs to go back to his/her office and implement the tool. Continuing education series will also include writing seminars covering grants and manuscript related writings.
  • Continuing Education 2013: Winter,Spring Summer and Fall
    • January 17th. Dr. ChunLi. Ordinal Data Analysis.
    • February 28th. Dr. DavidAfshartous. Data Snooping in Multilevel and Mixed-Effects Models.
    • April 18th. AmyGraves. High Deductible Health Plans and Change in Birth Rate: An application of Quasi-Experimental Evaluation Methods.
    • June 20th. AlexZhao. R Functions to Facilitate and Increase Efficiency of Data Management and Analysis.
    • August 15th. Dr. RameelaChandrasekhar. Limit of Detection Problems for Repeated Measures Data.
    • September 19th. Dr. FrankHarrell. Knitr tool for Reproducible Research.
  • Continuing Education 2012: Winter,Spring Summer and Fall
    • January 19th. SharonPhillips. AHRQ-Revisit Files
    • March 29th. Dr. MattShotwell.Applied Nonparametric Bootstrap with Hierarchical and Correlated Data.
    • April 19th. Dr. PengchengLu. An Introduction to Penalized Regression Methods.
    • June 21st. Dr. FrankHarrell. Statistical Principles to Live by.
    • August 16th. Kang-HsienFan Introduction to Geospatial Data Visualization and Geographically Weighted Regression (GWR).
    • September 20th. Dr. FrankHarrell. Why the Central Limit Theorem Doesn't help.
    • November 29th. DanielByrne. Statistical Innovations that can Benefit your Career - The Studio.
    • December 20th. Dr. ChrisFonnesbeck. Interactive and Reproducible Statistical Modeling and Reporting using iPython.
  • Continuing Education 2011: Winter,Spring Summer and Fall
    • January 19th. AlexZhao. Introduction to R Functionality with Illustrations.
    • February 18th. TheresaScott. rms and Design R packages.
    • March 17th. Dr. PatrickArbogast.Disease Risk Scores in practice.
    • April 21st. Dr. CindyChen. Missing Data-When Can you Worry Less.
    • May 19th. Dr FrankHarrell. Statistical Methods and Statistical Pitfalls in biomarker research.
    • June 16th. Dr.ChrisFonnesbeck. Multimodel inference using AIC.
    • July 21st. Dr. LynnWalker.Overcoming writer's block: Tips for being a productive writer
    • August 25th. SamuelNwosu. Ordinal logistic regression with random effect. Predicting veterans satisfaction.
    • September. JSM presentations.
    • October 20th. Dr. RobertGreevy and ColeBeck. Performing optimal nonbipartite matching in R using nbpMatching.
    • November 17th. JoAnnAlvarez. Introduction to Bayesian adaptive clinical trial designs.
    • December 18th. MeridithBlevins. A brief overview of multidimensional poverty and a quantitative technique for measuring and comparing capabilities

  • Continuing Education 2010: Winter,Spring Summer and Fall
    • December 16th JenniferThompson.Power in the Case of Extreme Bimodal Data.
    • November 18th.JSM highlights. Presentations by attendees.
    • October 21st AyumiShintani. Immortal time bias in critical care research: application of time-varying Cox regression for observational cohort studies.
    • September 16th CathyJenkins. Marginal Structural Models: What I've Learned So Far.
    • August19th MeridithBlevins.Two-stage cluster survey sampling and analysis: A complex survey in Zambezia Province, Mozambique.
    • July 29th LilyWang. A Generalized linear mixed model for pathway analysis of genome-wide association studies.
    • Svetlana Eden and Jennifer Thompson-June 15th and 16th (Judith Swan) and July 21st (Rafe Donahue) Writing and Graphics Seminars.
    • May 27th Dr.BenSaville. Introduction to Bayesian methods and implementation via OpenBUGS.
    • April 29th Dr.FeiYe. Statistical analysis of high-throughput data RNAi screening data.
    • March 18th Dr.ChangYu. Design and analysis of cross-over trials.
    • February 18th LiWang. An introduction and example of competing risk analysis using R.
  • Continuing Education 2009: Winter,Spring, Summer and Fall
    • December 18th Dr.TatsukiKoyama. Statistical Methods for Biomarker Discovery.
    • November 19th TheresaScott. Survival analysis in R.
    • October 29th ElizabethKoehler. Presentation on resampling methods with focus on bootstrap technique and smulation for sample size calculations.
    • September 18th Dr.MarioDavidson. Challenges of Consulting: Experiences of Real Biostatisticians.
    • August 20th Dr.IreneFeurer. A comparison of exploratory and confirmatory approaches to principal components analysis.
    • June 18th Dr.JeffreyBlume. A discussion on ROC curves.
    • May 15th Dr.FrankHarrell. A discussion on model validation, penalty and shrinkage analysis.
    • Apr 30th NateMercaldo. Beamer me Up Scotty: An introduction to making handouts, posters and presentations in Latex.
    • Mar 19th Dr.WilliamDupont. Dr. Bill Dupont will discuss and demonstrate power and sample size calculations using the new version of his PS software.
    • Feb 19th Dr.FrankHarrell. A discussion of state of the art statistical methods and why we should use them for specific research questions.
    • Jan 15th DanaBlakemore. R Graphics-An introduction to GGplot.

  • Continuing Education 2008 Winter,Spring Summer and Fall
    • Dec 18th DanielByrne 30 most commonly used statistical methods.
    • Nov 20th LisaKaltenbach. Poisson Regression. Let me count the use!
    • Oct 16th DanAyers. Introduction to the Likelihood Measure of Statistical Evidence.
    • Sep 18th Dr. PaulHarris. A software toolset and workflow methodology (REDCap - Research Electronic Data Capture) to manage research data for research studies.
    • August 14th Dr. PatrickArbogast. To Propensity Score or Not Propensity Score, That is the Question.
    • July 15 Dr.LeenaChoi. How to Use Bayesian Methods in Clinical Research.
    • June 15 DanielByrne. How to write a grant.
    • May 15 Dr.AyumiShintani. The Proportional Odds Model.
    • May 1st Dr.BryanShepherd. Linear Mixed Effects Analysis in R, Part 2.
    • Apr 17 Dr.BryanShepherd. Linear Mixed Effects Analysis in R.
    • Mar 20 Dr.JonathanSchildcrout. Analysis of Longitudinal Data, Part 2.
    • Mar 13 Dr.JonathanSchildcrout. Analysis of Longitudinal Data.
    • Feb 21 TheresaScott. R Graphics

  • Continuing Education Winter,Spring Summer and Fall 2007.
    • Nov 15 Gene Gallagher Compliance Officer Institutional Review Board
    • Oct 18 JenniferThompson.Bootstrap Confidence Interval for Difference of Two Means ( handout and R code).AngelAn. Data Simulation in R.
    • Sept 20 Dr.FrankHarrell.Update Data Reduction Methods (Post-poned).
    • Aug 16 Joint Statistical Meeting 2007 and User R conference.Share notes statistical courses and lectures attended and presented JointStatisticalmeeting2007.pdf.
    • July 21 Dr.RafeDonahue.The Nature of Data Analysis
    • June 21 LisaKaltenbach.Insights from Wayne Ray's Epi II class
    • May 17 Dr. ChunLi.Part 2-Statistical analysis of genetic data
    • Apr 19 Dr. YuShyr.How to consult efficiently with investigators --- a case study of clinic trials
    • Mar 15 ENAR participants will present on statistical courses and lectures attended.
    • Feb 19 DanAyers Sample size calculation for survival analysis
    • Jan 18 SvetlanaEden. Introduction to string matching and modification in R using regular expression.

  • Continuing Education Series Fall 2006.
    • Dec 21 No meeting.
    • Nov 16 Dr. ChunLi. Part1-Statistical analysis of genetic data.
    • Oct 19 HeidiChen. Tips for survival analysis: competing risk, time dependent covariates. Discussion by DanAyers
    • September 21 Dr. FrankHarrell presented on imputation methods.

  • Continuing Education Series of writing seminars Summer 2006.

    • August 17 Lynne Hutchinson lead a workshop in grant writing.
    • July 13 DanielByrne presented the first serie of grant writing seminar.

  • Upcoming Continuing Education (5th Thursday of the month)
    • June 29th TheresaScott presented on Statistical Graphics in R.

  • Continuing Education (3rd Thursday of the month-May 18th)

  • Continuing Education (3rd thursday of the month-April 13th)

  • Continuing Education (3rd thursday of the month-March 16th)

  • Continuing Education (3rd thursday of the month-March 9th)
    • Dr. ChuanZhou presented on an interesting Bayesian analysis topic: Meta Analysis and Logistic Regression.

Topic revision: r22 - 12 Jun 2014, TebebGebretsadik
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