Bryan Shepherd, PhD


Vice Chair of Faculty Affairs

Phone: 615-343-3496
Fax: 615-343-4924
Office: 2525 West End, 11124
Vanderbilt University School of Medicine
Department of Biostatistics
2525 West End, Suite 11000
Nashville, TN 37203

Research Interests

  • causal inference
  • observational data analysis
  • ordinal data analysis
  • applications in HIV and other infectious diseases
  • global health

Curriculum Vitae

CV (last updated June 2024)

Some of Papers and Areas of Research

Ordinal Methods

Methods for Data Audits and Measurement Error

Causal Inference Manuscripts

Other Papers


Archived Analyses

ArchivedAnalyses (This page contains code for many of our published papers)


CourseBios341 (Introduction to Probability and Statistical Theory)

CourseCausalInference (Causal Inference)

Old Photo

This was the photo gracing my website from 2005-2017. Sadly, people said I don't look like the guy in the photo anymore, and my daughter is now quite a bit older! So I switched photos, although I'm keeping it here for sentimental reasons.

Topic revision: r93 - 24 Jun 2024, BryanShepherd
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