Some of My Causal Inference Papers

Shepherd BE, Gilbert PB, Jemiai Y, Rotnitzky A (2006). Sensitivity analyses comparing outcomes only existing in a subset selected post-randomization, conditional on covariates, with application to HIV vaccine trials. Biometrics 62, 332-342. paper The published version can be found at Biometrics

Shepherd BE, Gilbert PB, Lumley T (2007). Sensitivity analyses comparing time-to-event outcomes existing only in a subset selected postrandomization. Journal of the American Statistical Association 102, 573-582. paper. The published version can be found at Journal of the American Statistical Association

Shepherd BE, Gilbert PB, Mehrotra D (2007). Eliciting a Counterfactual Sensitivity Parameter. The American Statistician 102, 573-582. paper. The published version can be found at The American Statistician

Shepherd BE, Redman MW, Ankerst DP (2008). Does finasteride affect the severity of prostate cancer? A causal sensitivity analysis. Journal of the American Statistical Association 484: 1392--1404. code; paper - the published version can be found at Journal of the American Statistical Association

Shepherd BE, Jenkins CA, Rebeiro PF, Stinnette SE, Bebawy SS, McGowan CC, Hulgan T, Sterling TR (2010). Estimating the optimal CD4 count for HIV-infected patients to start antiretroviral therapy. Epidemiology 21:698--705. code; paper; supplementary material- the published version can be found at Epidemiology

Shepherd BE, Gilbert PB, Dupont CT (2011). Sensitivity analyses comparing time-to-event outcomes only existing in a subset selected postrandomization and relaxing monotonicity. Biometrics 67: 1100-1110. code; paper; supplementary material; web animation. The published version can be found at Biometrics

Gilbert PB, Shepherd BE, Hudgens MG (2013). Sensitivity analysis of per-protocol time-to-event treatment efficacy in randomized clinical trials. Journal of the American Statistical Association 108: 789-800. paper; code.

Lu X, Mehrotra DV, Shepherd BE (2013). Rank-based principal stratum sensitivity analyses. Statistics in Medicine 32: 4526-4539. abstract; code.

Shepherd BE, Liu Q, Mercaldo N, Jenkins CA, Lau B, Cole SR, Saag MS, Sterling TR. Comparing results from two methods for estimating when to start antiretroviral therapy. Statistics in Medicine 2016; 35: 4335-4351. paper; code


sensitivityPStrat: R package that performs sensitivity analyses to assess treatment effects within principal strata.
Topic revision: r1 - 09 Jun 2021, BryanShepherd
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