
Note: This class's structure is dependent entirely on DistanceReport.WriteMissedColumn() function

Public Members

  • highlightRuns - Arraylist of highlighted/selected runs
  • colNames - All column names
  • runs - A sorted list of run number to percentage scored in that run
    • ex: If run 5 scored 80%, run[5] = 80
  • columns - A sorted list of columnName to an ArrayList of runs missing that column
    • ex: If a column named "Patient1" was missed in run 3 and 7, columns["Patient1"] = (ArrayList){3, 7}
  • threshold - The threshold of the initial file read in
    • ex: threshold = .5 means that only runs scoring above 50% were considered in creating the data
  • dg - The DataGrouping associated with this object, needed for correct coloration of MissedChart
  • parent - The SummaryPercentages object that is this object's parent, so all distance related data can be encapsulated in one object

Public Methods

  • MissedValues(String fileName, DataGrouping) - Creates a MissedValue from the given file
  • Load(string) - loads a missed value from the file
  • getColumnsMissedOnRun(int) - returns an ArrayList of column names missed on that given run


Topic revision: r2 - 09 Dec 2004, WillGray
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