
Static Methods

  • DONE WriteMissedColumn(ArrayList, string, bool, double) - Will first filter distanceResults for runs where overall percent correct is above "percentage" (supplied as a number between 0 and 1). Then, of these, will only display columns that missed, with an asterisk (*) indicating the column has missed. isTesting, when set to true will write the report for the Test data. False will write a report for training data.
  • DONE WriteMissedColumn(ArrayList, string, bool) - Defaults the percentage to .5.
  • DONE WriteMissedColumnK(ArrayList, string) - Used for Cross-Validation. Only prints testing results. Defaults the percentage to .5.
  • DONE WriteMissedColumnK(ArrayList, string, double) - Used for Cross-Validation. Only prints testing results.
  • DONE WriteOutput(DistanceResult, bool, string) - Writes the detailed report for a single distance run.
  • DONE WriteOutput(ArrayList, int, string) - Used for Cross-Validation. Only prints testing results.
  • DONE WriteSummary(ArrayList, string, bool) - Writes a summary of the DistanceResults passed to the file given.
  • DONE WriteSummary(ArrayList, string) - Defaults to not write criteria.
  • DONE WriteSummaryK(ArrayList, string, bool) - Used for Cross-Validation.
  • DONE WriteSummaryK(ArrayList, string) - Used for Cross-Validation. Defaults to not write criteria.
  • DONE WriteWinnerReport(ArrayList, int, string) - Writes the winners for a TopN/Cutoff run and the number of Cross-Validation runs they were selected in.

Enum ChartViewType

  • Summary - A SummaryPanel View
  • MissedTraining - A MissedChart View using the specified training data
  • MissedTesting - A MissedChart View using the specified testing data (if it exists)

Topic revision: r11 - 08 Mar 2005, WillGray
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