
NameRank Class

  • name
  • rank

Public Methods

  • Load(string) - Loads the given CDT file
  • string GetArryNameByRank(name, rank) - given the name and rank of a column, returns the clustering name for it. For instance, if the third column was named "Patient3" and had the clustering name "ARRY70X" and was the 40th column down, GetArryNameByRank("Patient3", 40) would return "ARRY70X"
  • string GetGeneNameByRank(name, rank) - same as GetArryName, except with rows (whose identifiers start with "GENE")


  • RowNode - returns the ClusterNode representing the rows
  • ColumnNode - returns the ClusterNode representing the columns
  • Name - name of this summary
  • Dset - the DataSet encapsulated within the object
  • Rows - Sorted list, acessed as Rows[rowName] = NameRank of rowName
  • Columns - Sorted list, acessed as Columns[columnName] = NameRank of columnName
  • RankByRow - Sorted list, acessed as RankByRow[clusterName] = position (with 1 being the left or above) of the given row in the clustering
  • RankByColumn - Sorted list, acessed as RankByColumn[clusterName] = position (with 1 being the left or above) of the given Column in the clustering


Representation of a clustering full clustering, though works fine with just a .cdt file.

Topic revision: r3 - 11 Mar 2005, WillGray
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