
Enumeration NodeType

  • Node
  • Gene
  • Array

Static (Class) Methods

  • ClusterNode Compare3(ClusterNode, ClusterNode, ClusterNode, bool) - if bool set to true, will return the least of the 3 nodes, otherwise will return the greatest
  • ClusterNode Load(string, ClusterSummary) - loads an ClusterNode from file specified in string and uses the ClusterSummary for labelling purposes

Public Methods

  • ClusterNode() - Default constructor
  • int GetDepth() - returns the depth of this node ( > = 1)
  • ClusterNode Contains(string) - recursively checks this node for a node with the name string, returns the node if found, returns null if not
  • int CompareTo(ClusterNode) - compares to nodes to see if they are equivalent; that is, they have the same coordinate point
  • ClusterNode leftMost() - returns the lowest value of children nodes (see Rationale)
  • ClusterNode rightMost() - returns the lowest value of children nodes (see Rationale)
  • setCoordPts() - recursively sets the coordinate points for drawing. The terminal nodes have their coordinate points set based on their order in the file, but all nodes above them need to have them set with this function.
  • setDepths(int previousDepth) - recursively sets the depth for the given node and all of its children, but it must be told what depth it is being called from


  • CoordPt - the coordinate point for drawing. Assuming a horizontal layout (root node on left, children on right), this would be the x-coordinate
  • DataName - if the node is an endpoint, this is the data name given to it from the initial data set( "" otherwise)
  • Depth - depth level for the current node, a root node is at depth 1
  • IsTerm - true if this is a terminal node, false otherwise
  • Left - node to the 'left' of this one, or null
  • Right - node to the 'right' of this one, or null
  • Weight - node weight as read in from file
  • Name - name as read in from file (clustering name)
  • Tag - arbitrary object, used for grouping number

Protected Members

  • Type - ClusterNode.NodeType
  • MaximumCoordPt - Maximum coordinate point, only used for the root node when loading


  • Because many operations on this data structure are recursive, functions that would have ordinarily been private have been made public.
  • 'left' and 'right' come from a binary search tree where the leftmost value is the lowest, and the rightmost is the greatest. Unfortunately, the nature of the clustering node data structure is more complicated, but the names have been used for simplicity.


Representation of a clustering node from a .gtr or .atr file

Topic revision: r3 - 11 Mar 2005, WillGray
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