Research Database Goals

The research database discussion group topic is the parent of this topic.

Server Installation

Database Qualification Tests

  • Form Branching
  • Categorical Data
    • checkboxes
    • radio buttons
  • text boxes
    • user comments
  • continuous variables
    • floats
    • others ?
  • Range Checks
    • Hard - (only accept values between certain limits, without exceptions)
    • Soft - (warns about out-of-bounds values, but will accept them)
  • Audit trails
  • Import/export capabilities (including "Print" copies)

Tasks for August Meeting

  • DalePlummer - Look at Java developer tools Eclipse and JDeveloper
  • JeffreyHorner
    • Call Tom Caldwell to re-evaluate his system and see if he's still interested in open sourcing MetaClinic
    • Call Akaza folks to ask where's the next release of OpenClinica
  • ColeBeck
    • Can you change OpenClinica CRFs (add variables, alter categorical variabes) mid-trial? What happens to existing data?
      • You can add new versions of CRFs, but the old data will still be attached the old version of the CRF. You can't load the old data from the old CRF into the new CRF. You can export all versions of CRFs at the same time- the number of columns is approximately the number of questions in each CRF times the number of CRFs. If data is not collected for a particular version, that column is left blank.
    • What are OpenClinica's audit capabilities?
      • Auditing seems to be unimplemented, yet planned (and at a moderately high priority FWIW)
    • Can you use OpenClinica for non-patient data?
      • You probably aren't supposed to - a new subject needs an identifier, a gender, and a YOB date.
      • However, you could easily enter any gender or birthdate for any subject, regardless if it is human.
  • JeremyStephens - research the OpenClinica Java code that reads the CRF excel spreadsheat spec. Does it translate to the spreadsheet to an intermediate format? Is it easy to add new CRF import functionality?
    • There seems to be no intermediate format. OpenClinica makes use of a Apache Java class called HSSF (Horrible Spread Sheet Format) to convert Excel documents to useful Java objects.
    • Using the existing algorithm for validation and importing files, it wouldn't be too hard to make a new class to accept different kinds of input. The easiest way would be to copy the existing class and modify it.
    • CSVTable and supporting classes are installed in the OpenClinica framework on the test server; OpenClinica will accept CSV files for CRF input now (to upload, take a XLS CRF form and consolidate all sheets onto one; seperate the sections by one or more empty rows). Example CSV attached below.
  • CharlesDupont - evaluate VisiTrial's CRF CDISC XML format for adding to OpenClinica

Database Goals

2005 July 18


I Attachment Action Size Date Who Comment
pet.csvcsv pet.csv manage 1 K 08 Aug 2005 - 11:40 JeremyStephens Example CSV for <nop>OpenClinica CRFs
Topic revision: r12 - 08 Aug 2005, JeremyStephens
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