Pidgin Instant Messaging Client Setup

Jabber is an instant-messaging protocol (like AIM) that has been installed on the Biostat server for use throughout the department. Below are installation instructions using the Pidgin program (a multi-purpose, cross-platform instant messaging program).


You'll first need to install Pidgin. If you're using Windows, you can go here to download it. If you're using Linux, Pidgin might already be installed. If neither are installed, e-mail the IT Team mailing list and we'll be happy to install it for you.

Account Configuration

When you start Pidgin for the first time (by running pidgin from the KDE "Run Command..." dialog or by browsing to it from the KDE Menu to the "Internet" section, or by clicking the "Pidgin" desktop icon if you're using Windows), two or three windows will open. One of those looks like this:


Click the "Add" button and the "Add Account" window will open. Fill in the various boxes on the three tabs as below.

Basic tab

Enter your VUnetID in the Username field. You can also put your password in the Password field and instruct Pidgin to remember it. Pidgin will prompt for the password if you don't want to enter it here.


Advanced tab

If you are running Pidgin from off campus use port 37222 instead of 5222.


Proxy tab

I Attachment Action Size Date Who Comment
pidgin1.pngpng pidgin1.png manage 38 K 01 Jul 2010 - 13:11 DalePlummer  
pidgin2.pngpng pidgin2.png manage 32 K 01 Jul 2010 - 12:53 DalePlummer  
pidgin3.pngpng pidgin3.png manage 20 K 01 Jul 2010 - 12:53 DalePlummer  
pidgin5.pngpng pidgin5.png manage 20 K 01 Jul 2010 - 12:58 DalePlummer  
welcome.pngpng welcome.png manage 32 K 01 Jul 2010 - 13:23 DalePlummer  
Topic revision: r2 - 30 Nov 2015, JeremyStephens
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