IS Procedures for New Employees

This is a list of things to do before a new employee arrives in our department.

  1. Find out where the new employee will be housed and check the network connectivity.
  2. Get user's vunetid. User's "claim" their id with a web app. See
  3. Follow the instructions in UbuntuSetup to set up a computer.

This is a list of things to do once the user arrives.

  1. BiostatUserOrientation (overview of the commands and tools needed within our Linux environment)
  2. Make sure user has a VUnetID. See
  3. Add the user's email to the biostatistic's LDAP
  4. Update web site phone list (see restricted web)
  5. Add email address to appropriate majordomo mailing lists
    • Add to biostat-exempt
  6. Grant the user access to dbconnect
  7. Add wiki username to the BiostatUsersGroup
  8. If faculty, add user to BiostatFacultyGroup

See also Administrative Procedures for New Employees
Topic revision: r22 - 28 Aug 2015, DalePlummer
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