New Staff - Process/Procedures

  • Department Administrator will contact HR consultant re new position, then request preparation of PDQ or PDQ (EZ) for posting of new position Sample.
  • Following HR approval, PositionApprovalRequest_SOM.pdfwill be completed and submitted to
  • Review applications/resumes recommended by Recruiter (MS Search Committee Member, Supvr)
  • Contact candidate for phone screen and/or interview (MS Search Committee Member(s), Supvr)
  • Following review of resumes, notify candidates not receiving further consideration (MS Search Committee)
  • Check at least two references on final candidate prior to interview (MS Search Committee)
  • Contact candidate with possible dates/times for on-site interview and make travel arrangements/prepare travel itinerary for candidate
  • Schedule "roundtable" meeting for day of interview, late afternoon

Post Interview day

  • Potentially offer position to candidate based on interview outcome and roundtable meeting
  • Request salary recommendation from Recruiter and clear it with DA
  • Prepare offer letter contingent on successful background check and mail/e-mail to candidate

After Offer Acceptance

  • HR will notify other candidates of selection with rejection notice
  • Notify Recruiter with candidate's name and start date; request background check
  • Complete Self-Audit Report (SAR) on all candidates whose applications have been forwarded, but not selected
  • HR will process new hire personnel action form (PAF)
  • Assign office location
  • Schedule new employee for New Staff Orientation (Hearts & Minds and You Make A Difference)
  • Complete new office set-up arrangements (telephone, voice mail, name plate, supplies, etc.)
  • Request back door access from Plant Services
  • Update mailbox
  • Provide full name including MI, social security #, office location, and DOB to IT
  • Request V-Net code (if long-distance needed for job-related functions)
  • Add "WELCOME": Name (Title) to Biostatistics Department Calendar as an un-timed event
  • Prepare personalized calendar with events for first month to include:
    • Meeting with Chair
    • Meeting with Department Administrator
    • Meeting with Supervisor
    • Meeting with Cole
    • Clinics
    • Orientation information reminder
    • Seminars
  • Send personalized welcome package to include department contact, time/location to report day 1, detailed orientation information, what to bring 1st day and for orientation [IDs for I-9 form (due by Day 3), Human Resources Employee Information form] -- WJ
    • Human Resources Direct Deposit/Pay Distribution form (due by Day 3)
    • Human Resources W-4 (due by Day 3)
    • Pay Dates (calendar)
    • Meeting Calendar for Department (for employee information only)

Day One

  • Send email to department announcing arrival and role
  • Escort new employee to obtain ID Badge form
  • Ensure department has completed documents from new employee
  • Escort to Orientation, if attending same day
  • Escort to Supervisor
  • Provide keys to desk, etc. as appropriate
  • Provide badge reel and teeshirt
  • Add name/phone number/V-net code to phone charges list
  • Update wiki phone list and fac/staff site
  • Update organizational chart
  • Show new hire HR website
  • Inform new hire of Computing Clinic to explain dbconnect

HR's Role in the Process (Recruiter)

  • Post position for five days including weekends
  • Coordinate advertisements if necessary
  • Notify manager with requisition number and offer date
  • Screen applications and recommend best candidates for consideration
  • Complete Self-Audit Report (SAR) for candidates not forwarded and notify candidates that application is declined
  • Remove posting if solid candidate pool available or extend posting for another five days to allow for additional submittals
  • Obtain candidate's signed consent to complete background check
  • Process background check once consent form is received
  • Notify Admin Staff Member when background check complete
  • Place candidate and close requisition; assign position number
  • Notify other candidates that are still submitted, but not forwarded that position is filled
  • Archive position

New Faculty - Process/Procedures - Checklist

New Appointment Checklist for OFA Requirements

  • Office of Faculty Affairs (OFA) contacts:
  • New Faculty Orientation
    • Held twice a year; check with Auda Hutto for next scheduled date if any questions. New Faculty Orientation covers important information such as faculty development, promotion and tenure, compliance, research logistics, panel presentations for educators and bench scientists as well as many other topics
  • ACCRE- Advanced Computing Center for Research and Education (
    • A faculty-led high-performance computing center for Vanderbilt researchers.

New Appointment Checklist for Department

See also IT Procedures for New Employees
I Attachment Action Size Date Who Comment
ACCRE.pdfpdf ACCRE.pdf manage 103 K 07 Oct 2014 - 10:39 AshleeBartley  
ACCRE_New_Faculty_Handout-1.pdfpdf ACCRE_New_Faculty_Handout-1.pdf manage 103 K 07 Oct 2014 - 10:32 AshleeBartley  
PositionApprovalRequest_SOM.pdfpdf PositionApprovalRequest_SOM.pdf manage 78 K 02 May 2013 - 06:36 LindaStewart  
TEMPLATE_NewApptChecklistDEPT.pdfpdf TEMPLATE_NewApptChecklistDEPT.pdf manage 163 K 20 Jun 2013 - 16:23 AudreyCarvajal New Appointment Checklist - department
TEMPLATE_NewApptChecklistOFA.pdfpdf TEMPLATE_NewApptChecklistOFA.pdf manage 86 K 20 Jun 2013 - 12:47 AudreyCarvajal New Appointment Checklist - OFA
Topic revision: r29 - 07 Oct 2014, AshleeBartley
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