Summary of Collaborative Work with Infectious Disease Division

last updated 12/01/05

  • Group leader: Tim Sterling

  • CD4 Number/Percent
    • Investigators: Todd Hulgan, Tim Sterling, Steve Raffanti
    • Completed Work:
      • Analysis looking at predictive power of CD4% for time until AIDS defining event or death.
      • Abstract submitted
      • Paper being written
      • Evaluated predictive ability of model using bootstrap
      • Examined predictive ability of model on independent JHU data (collaboration with Richard Moore).
      • Begun statistical methods paper about bootstrapping the PH assumption
    • Next Task:
      • Finish CD4% paper
      • Decide what to do with JHU/bootstrap analyses
      • Methods paper about bootstrapping proportional hazards assumption

  • Race and Sex Difference in Causes of Death
    • Investigators: Diana Lemley, Steve Raffanti
    • Completed Work:
      • Multivariable logistic regression analysis
      • Abstract submitted to CROI
      • Paper submitted to AIDS short communications
    • Next Task:
      • Wait to hear what happens

  • Efavirinz vs Boosted PI Study
    • Investigators: Tim Sterling
    • Completed Work:
      • Read about marginal structural models
      • Possibility of intern to help
    • Next Task:
      • Learn more about MSM
      • Program MSM code to run on simulation
      • Implement once Gema and gang have validated key variables
      • Sensitivity analysis?

  • Other Projects with Involvement/Consulting
    • Jennifer Tai (OC3 project)
    • Gema Barkanic, David, Todd (substance abuse project; grant submitted)
    • Wes Shealey (resistance mutations project; 2 abstracts submitted)
    • Andrew Desruisseau (Hepatitis C project discussions)
    • Maria Pia De Pasquele (power calculations, help with analyses)


  • Tom Talbot's Grant Application
    • Study design for methods to reduce the rate of false positive contaminant blood cultures:
      • Randomized block design
    • Analysis plan for interrupted time series design:
      • Poisson regression with # cathedar days of risk as offset, adjusting for new treatment, time using splines, interaction of time and treatment, and assuming AR(1) correlation structure

  • CCASANet Grant Application
    • Investigators: Daniel Masys, Richard d'Aquila, and others
    • Completed Work:
      • General description of analyses
      • Statistical Methods section of grant: sensitivity analyses and incorporating sampling weights into phylogenetic analysis
      • Grant funded!

  • Immune recognition of mycobacerial antigens by sarcoidosis PBMC
    • Investigators: Wonder Drake
    • Completed Work:
      • Basic comparisons using Fisher's Exact Test, Chi-square tests, and Kruskal-Wallis
      • Two abstracts submitted
      • Paper submitted: "Immune recognition of mycobacterial antigen 85A by sarcoidosis peripheral blood mononuclear cells"
      • Helping with revision of different paper

  • General Consulting
    • Lora Thomas:
      • Review of journal club article where Frank was wrongly acknowledged
    • Monthly journal club involvement.
    • Answering questions for ID faculty/students.

  • Vikrant Sahasrabuddhe and Stan Vermund
    • Statistical advice and analysis of Zambia HPV dataset (12/15/05)
    • Reviewed paper -- waiting to see next manuscript

  • Dirk Meyer-Olsen
    • Former post-doc fellow in Spyros Kalams lab
    • Statistical advice on analysis looking at biomarkers and time until CD4 value halves (12/12/05)
Topic revision: r6 - 28 Apr 2006, BryanShepherd
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