Google Docs for reproducible manuscripts

Google Docs is a cloud-based word processor which offers:
  • simultaneous editing
  • flexible file sharing
  • revision history
  • commenting / revision mode
  • automatic format convertion to .docx, .pdf, .html, and .txt formats.

Google Scripts is a scripting language which allows users to extend the functionality of Google Docs. It is based on Javascript.

Desired Workflow and Features

As noted in CollabFlow, an optimal workflow incorporates a number of reproducibility and time-saving features.

Feature Description Availability in Google Docs
In-line data YES
Complex tables NO - only simple tables available
Table and figure management Toggle placement to inline or end. YES
Supplementary section management Toggle placement to inline or end. YES
Local data and code execution YES
Usable interface for collaborators YES
Usable interface for statisticians ?

Current features of (Google Script for Docs)

Most features of are achieved via keys. Keys denote data items within the manuscript, including in-line data, tables, figures, and supplementary sections.

Feature Key Example
in-line data {inline:key-name XX}
Additionally, users may highlight text and click the "ADD IN-LINE DATA" button to register an in-line data key.
table {table:key-name}
figure {figure:key-name}
supplementary section {start-supp:key-name} {end-supp:key-name}

Topic revision: r4 - 04 Dec 2015, ThomasStewart
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