
Parent: Score

Public Methods

  • DONE ScoreTTest() - the default constructor.
  • DONE ScoreTTest(ScoreTTest) - copy constructor.
  • DONE ScoreTTest(string) - Constructors that loads the ScoreTTest from a file.
  • DONE SetPermutation(int,bool) - set permutation number and family wise values.
  • DONE Copy() - create a copy of the ScoreTTest.
  • DONE GenerateScores(DataSet,DataGrouping) - generates the TTest scores.
  • DONE GenerateScores(DataSet,DataGrouping,int) - generates the TTest scores.
  • DONE GenerateKScores(DataSet,DataGrouping) - generate the TTest scores.
  • DONE GenerateKScores(DataSet,DataGrouping,int) - generate the TTest scores.

Private Members

  • DONE int pNumber - default permutation number.
  • DONE bool famWise - default flag of familywise.

Private Methods

  • DONE TValue(ArrayList,ArrayList) - calculate T value.
  • DONE PermuPValue(ArrayList,int,int,double) - calculate permutation P values.
  • DONE PermuTValue(ArrayList,int,int) - calculate permutation T values.
  • DONE RankByPermuPValues(ArrayList,int) - generates a column for the ranking of permutation P values.

Topic revision: r3 - 06 Apr 2005, WillGray
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