
Public Methods

  • DONE ScoreHu() - Default Constructor.
  • DONE ScoreHu(ScoreHu) - Copy Constructor.
  • DONE ScoreHu(string) - Loads the score from a file.
  • DONE ScoreHu(int,double,double,double[]) - Constructor to pass parameters of loglkd.
  • DONE ScoreHu(int,double[],double[][] ) - Constructor to pass parameters of loglkdbeta.
  • DONE Copy() - Copy a ScoreHu.
  • DONE GenerateScores(DataSet,DataGrouping) - Generates the Hu scores.
  • DONE GenerateScores(DataSet,DataGrouping,int) - Generates the Hu scores.
  • DONE getmusigma2mle(double[][],int,ArrayList,ArrayList) - Calculates Hu score using estimation MLE of mu and sigma2.
  • DONE f_to_minimize(double[]) - Calls log-likelihood to estimate logmu and beta.
  • DONE gradient(double[],double)
  • DONE hessian(double[],double[][])
  • DONE loglkd(double,double,double,double) - log-likelihood function to estimate logmu.
  • DONE loglkdbeta(double[],double,double) - log-likelihood funtion to estimate beta.

Private Methods

  • DONE Quantile(ArrayList,double) - Calculates 1% quantile.

Private Data Members

  • DONE func(int) - Function of loglkd or logkdbeta.
  • DONE beta0(double[])
  • DONE beta1(double[])
  • DONE X(double[])
  • DONE X2(double[][])
  • DONE logmu(double[])


  • The program dosen't handle data set with missing values.

Topic revision: r2 - 10 Feb 2005, WillGray
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