
Interface: IDataSet

Public Methods

  • MemoryMapDataSet(string) - Constructor that takes the path/file name.
  • MemoryMapDataSet(string, int) - Constructor that take the path/file name and the buffer size in number of rows.
  • Clear()
  • ClearBufferedData()
  • GetDataPoint(int, int)
  • GetColumnName(int)
  • GetColIndexFromName(string)
  • GetRowId(int)
  • GetRowIndexFromId(int)
  • GetRowName(int)
  • GetRowIndexFromName(string)
  • Log(string, int)
  • Average(string, DataGrouping)
  • Average(string, DataGrouping, bool)
  • GeneratePercentage(DataGrouping)
  • GeneratePercentage(DataGrouping, bool)

Explicit Interface Public Methods

  • Filter(ArrayList)


  • Name
  • NumCols
  • NumRows

Protected Methods

  • AddColumn(string)
  • AddRow(int, string)

Private Methods

  • ReadLine(int) - Puts a row of data into the buffer
  • ReadLine(int, int) - Puts N consecutive rows if data into the buffer

Protected Members

  • FileStream fs - Stream for file access
  • StreamReader sr - Stream for file reading
  • int bufferSize - Number of rows in the buffer
  • SortedList bufferIds - Maps row id to buffer index
  • ArrayList bufferData - Buffered data
  • string name - The dataset name
  • ArrayList columnNames - Column names
  • SortedList columnIndices - Map of column names to indices
  • ArrayList rowIds - Row ids
  • SortedList rowIndices - Map or row ids to indices
  • ArrayList rowNames - Row names
  • SortedList rowIndices2 - Map of row names to indices

Topic revision: r3 - 28 Apr 2005, WillGray
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