Add Limitations to public versions

  • DONE No Cross-Validation
  • DONE No Permutation P Value
  • DONE No KS
  • DONE No Hu-Wright
  • DONE No Sam
  • DONE No Access to quality control features
  • DONE No testing data sets
  • DONE No summery chart output file
  • DONE Disable basic stat generation
  • DONE See w/o save summary graph
  • DONE See w/o save Disable ball graph
  • DONE No Click for run info on summary graph
  • DONE No output from distance runs
  • DONE No save of scores

Cancelled ideas

  • DataSet size limited to X columns and Y rows
  • Top N limited to top 30/50 or some other number
  • Cutotff limited to 1 comparison

Topic revision: r6 - 05 Jul 2005, JeremyRoberts
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