
Public Methods

  • DONE DistanceOutput()
  • DONE DistanceOutput(DistanceOutput) - Copy Constructor
  • DONE DistanceColumn GetByColName(string name) - returns the column with the indicated name


  • DONE NumFlagged = numFLagged1 + numFlagged2 - number of flagged columns
  • DONE NumColumns = numColumns1 + numColumns2 - Total number of columns
  • DONE NumMissing = numMissing1 + numMissing2 - Total number of columns that have all null data (NaN)
  • DONE PercentCorrect - returns (total columns not flagged/total columns)

Public Members

  • double PValue - Permutation P value for this run.
  • double Mean1 - mean of group 1
  • double Mean2 - mean of group 2
  • int NumFlagged1 - number of flagged columns from group 1
  • int NumFlagged2 - number of flagged columns from group 2
  • int NumColumns1 - Total number of columns in group 1
  • int NumColumns2 - Total number of columns in group 2
  • int NumMissing1 - Total number of columns in group 1 that have all null data (NaN)
  • int NumMissing2 - Total number of columns in group 2 that have all null data (NaN)
  • ArrayList of DistanceColumn

  • Class DistanceColumn
    • Properties
      • bool Flag = RealGroup = AssignedGroup ? true : false - true denotes that given group does not equal assigned group
      • double Dist1 = abs(ModScore-ModMean1) - dist to group 1
      • double Dist2 = abs(ModScore-ModMean2) - dist to group 2
    • Public Members
      • string Descriptor - Group descriptor
      • int RealGroup - given group #
      • int AssignedGroup - assigned group #
      • string Name - column name
      • double ModScore - modified score
      • double ModMean1 - mean group 1 with out this patient
      • double ModMean2 - mean group 2 with out this patient


  • The items marked ??? can be derived from other parts of the data. This can be dealt with in a couple of ways. 1: Leave them out and let the user of the class derive them when needed. 2: Hard code them in the class which will use more memory. 3: Set everything as a property and calculate the derived values from the set values. I believe the 3rd option to be the best. While it wile be slightly slower, if something that the derived value relies on changes, the derived value is change also.

Topic revision: r8 - 27 Jan 2005, JeremyRoberts
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