
Public Methods

  • DONE CriteriaManager(CriteriaManager) - The copy constructor.
  • DONE Remove(string, string, double) - Removes a score name, operator, and value criteria.
  • DONE Save(string) - Saves the CriteriaManager to a file.
  • DONE Load(string) - Loads the CriteriaManager from a file.
  • DONE GetColumns() - Gets an ArrayList of columns.
  • DONE GetOperator(string) - Gets a column's operator.
  • DONE GetValues(string) - Gets an ArrayList of a column's values.


  • DONE NumCombinations - Gets the number of CriteriaSet combinations.
  • DONE PreFilter - Gets the preFilter.
  • DONE UserPreFilter - Gets/sets the userPreFilter.
  • DONE Function - Gets/sets the function.
  • DONE SignLead - Gets/sets the sign lead column.
  • DONE SignFollow - Gets/sets the sign following columns.
  • DONE Standardize - ArrayList of columns to standardize.
  • DONE ColCriteria - Gets the ColumnCriteria.

Static Methods

  • DONE MultiLoad(string) - Loads one or more CriteriaManagers from a single file and returns then in an ArrayList.

Virtual Methods

  • Add(string, string, double) - Adds a score name, operator, and value criteria.
  • GetCriteria(int) - Gets CriteriaSet N.

Protected Members

  • DONE string preFilter
  • DONE string userPreFilter
  • DONE string function - STD Function
  • DONE string signLead - String that defines how to change the sign in which columns.
  • DONE ArrayList signFollow - Strings containing column names whose signs must be changed
  • DONE ArrayList colCriteria - Collection of ColumnCriteria
  • DONE class ColumnCriteria
    • string columnName
    • string operator
    • ArrayList values



  • Criteria grouping example
    • ColumnCriteria 1
      • columnName: WGA
      • operator: >=
      • values
        • 3
        • 4
        • 5
        • 6
    • ColumnCriteria 1
      • columnName: SAM
      • operator: >=
      • values
        • 2
        • 3
        • 4

Topic revision: r10 - 07 Apr 2005, WillGray
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