
Public Methods

  • saveImage(String imgName) - saves image of the chart (as a PNG file) to the given image name
  • setDimensions(float top, bottom, left, right) - sets dimensions of the chart, relative to the whole panel object
    • if you would like a dimension to remain unchanged, send float.NaN to it. Ex: to only change top and bottom offsets, you would send float.NaN in as the value for "left" and "right"
  • round(float) - rounds a float to the nearest int


  • AntiAlias - get/set whether antialiasing is on
  • Title - get/set title
  • ShowScaleValues - get/set whether scale value labels on the Y-axis are visible (i.e. the text saying 10%, 20% etc)
  • YAxisIncrement - get/set the incrementation value of Y-axis lines, as a percentage
    • ex: YAxisIncrement = .1 would cause lines to be drawn at Y = 10%, 20%, 30% etc.

Private Methods

  • setTotalXvalues(int) - Set the total number of X values in the data representation
  • setTotalYValues(int) - Set the total number of Y values in the data representation
  • [abstract] finalizeChartDimensions() - Finalize the chart dimensions, after data representation has changed or after a resize
  • chartPoint(float, float) - Convert from a point on the chart (like 0, 100) to the absolute coordinate of that point on the panel
  • OnPaint(PaintEventArgs) - Draws everything

Private Data Members

  • topOffset, bottomOffset, leftOffset, rightOffset - offsets of the chart expressed in percentages of the whole panel
    • ex: if you wanted 10% of the panel's width to be clear on the left side, you would set leftOffset = .1


  • If no data exists and this is instantiated on its own, it will display X and Y axes and some lines for the Y axis.

Topic revision: r2 - 09 Dec 2004, WillGray
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