
Public Data Member

  • ArrayList lines - the container for the lines
  • string title - title of the graph
  • string testLabel1 - label of testing group1
  • string testLabel2 - label of testing group2
  • string widthType - the type of width
  • float graphMin - the min point of the graph
  • float graphMax - the max point of the graph

Public Methods

  • Point - struct to hold group and value
  • AddLine(BallGraphLine ) – adds a line via the BallGraphLine object
  • AddLine(string,string,double,double,double,doulbe,ArrayList) – adds a line via the individual elements
  • GetLine(int) – returns a BallGraphLine with the line object number

BallGraphLine Class

  • public members
    • double mean1 - mean of group1
    • double mean2 - mean of group2
    • double stdev1 - stand deviation of group1
    • dobule stdev2 - stand deviation of group2
    • string label1 - label of group1
    • string label2 - label of group2
    • ArrayList pts - arraylist of points

Topic revision: r4 - 10 Aug 2005, JoanZhang
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