
Public Data Members

  • int tickMax – Max value of tick of scale, default is 0
  • int tickMin – minimum value of tick of scale, default is 0
  • int tickStep – steps of tick of scale, default is 10
  • int tickFontSize – font size of tick, default is 14
  • int tickLineWidth – line width of tick, default it 1
  • int marginMax – Maximum margin, default is 50
  • int labelFontSize – font size of labels, default is 16
  • int imageWidth – width of image, default is 1024
  • int imageHeight – height of image default is 768
  • bool drawOuterCircle - if draw outer circle or not,default is false
  • bool drawXAxis - if draw X Axis or not, default is true
  • bool autoAdjustImageHeight – if auto adjust imageheight,default is true
  • float marginPct - percent of the window for the margin, default is .1F
  • ArrayList lineStructs - collections of lineStruct class

Private Data Members

  • float graphMin - min value of graph, default is maximum float
  • float graphMax - max value of graph, default is minmum float
  • float leftMargin - left margin value of windows
  • float rightMargin - right margin value of windows
  • int drawingHeight - height of the drawing
  • int drawingWidth - width of the drawing

Public Methods

  • realToAbs(float) – calculate the absolute value on the panel
  • recalculateDimensions - define the graph left Margin and right Magin
  • CalculateTextWidth - return text string width
  • saveImage (string, int,int) - Save the generated graph to a png imge file
  • resetData – reset data
  • ReDraw – redraw the panel

Private Methods

  • drawingPanel_Paint - drawing ball graph of mean and stdev of group1 and group2
  • drawingPanel_Resize - resize the panel width and heigth

lineStruct Class

  • Public members
    • float gp1Mean – mean of group1
    • float gp2Mean – mean of group2
    • float gp1Stdev – stand deviation of group1
    • float gp2Stdev – stand deviation of group2
    • string gp1Label – label of group1
    • string gp2Label – label of group2
    • SortedList pts - sorted list of points as key and grouping as values
    • SortedList ptsCount - sorted list of points as key and count as values
  • Public methods
    • lowestValue – return lowest value
    • greatestValue – return greatest value

Topic revision: r4 - 19 Jul 2005, JoanZhang
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