Notes for Instructors of Statistical Thinking in Biomedical Research

The short course is designed so that the sessions are for the most part independent. This allows most of the sessions to be re-ordered when there are scheduling conflicts for instructors. The course content is somewhat fixed so that it is not necessary for the same instructor to teach a given topic over time, yet some continuity of the course is maintained over time. Even though this places restrictions on the topics needed to be covered in a given session, an instructor can decide how to best cover the material and can modify and augment the notes. Instructors are encouraged to take advantage of existing slides and handouts on our web site, at least to use them as starting points.

Things To Do Before Each Class

  • Make sure the assigned readings in K&S for your section are correct
  • Check the BMJ Statistics Notes to see if you want to require reading of any of them in your syllabus
  • For articles you assign to read, try to find permanent URLs to PDF full text and link to these from you syllabus. For articles not electronically available through our libraries, ask Teresa Garland to scan the article into a compact pdf file and e-mail it to FrankHarrell. Frank will put it on the secure directory for copyrighted articles and will e-mail you the URL to the article.
  • Edit the syllabus as needed
  • If you haven't taught a similar audience before, practice your session with mentors and take their feedback into account before the final presentation
  • Post handouts at least two days before class; follow the format in STBRsylConcepts
  • Read the assigned readings to anticipate questions and give you ideas for any material to be added to your handout

Things To Do During Class

  • Tell where the current section falls in the list of 7 sections
  • Remind participants to read the assigned material in advance of class
  • Get the password of the secure directory for articles we scan from FrankHarrell and post it along with the login ID to use (articles) on a board for participants. Tell them this is for articles linked from future syllabi that require a password to access.
  • Remind participants to take part in the discussion board
  • Remind participants to look at the glossary and to E-mail FrankHarrell with needs for new definitions
  • Before presenting your material give the goals for the section
  • Consider making minimal use of slides and relying on handouts instead
  • For material in your handout that is straightforward, merely refer to its existence
  • Make frequent eye contact with the participants and encourage them to ask questions and generate discussion
  • After presenting your material give the conclusions for the section
  • Remind participants that we value their evaluations

Topic revision: r5 - 12 Oct 2004, FrankHarrell
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