Example Setup for Seminar Style Slides/Handouts

%Usage: pdflatex foo
%       kprinter foo.pdf, print to pdf, 2-up for handouts
\usepackage{url,relsize}  % relsize used for \smaller etc.



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\huge Statistical Thinking in Biomedical Research \\[1ex]
Department of Biostatistics \\
School of Medicine \\
Vanderbilt University \\[1ex]

%\newpagestyle{mine}{\hspace{\fill}\rightmark \hspace{\fill}\thepage}{}

%\markright{Introduction to Statistical Concepts}

\newcommand{\ra}{$\rightarrow$ }
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\newcommand{\ua}{$\uparrow$ }


\bs{Section 1: Introduction to Statistical Concepts ---
Frank Harrell}
\item   What does biostatistics have to offer to
  biomedical research?
\item   Statistical inference
\item   Study design issues
\item   Descriptive statistics
\item   Measuring change
\item   Biostatistical resources at VU

\bs{What Does Biostatistics Offer?}
\item   Help in developing concrete objectives and data acquisition
        methods that meet the objectives, concrete descriptions
        of primary and secondary endpoints
\item   Appropriate experimental and study design
    \item   Sources of bias
    \item   Measurement issues
    \item   Efficiency/power
    \item   Maximizing use of a given number of animals
    \item   Interpretability of findings
    \item   Reproducibility of analyses
Choice of appropriate design depends crucially on the type of
experiment/disease and treatment being studied.
\item   \ua likelihood that sample will yield estimates of adequate
        precision to make experiments conclusive/affect medical practice
\item   More efficient use of data
\item   Formulate analysis plans without making inappropriate assumptions
\item   {\scriptsize Estimate sample size (if fixed)}
\item   Objective: Does an intervention (could be a new drug,
        patient education intervention, method of administration) improve
        a response?
\item   What is meant by ``response'' and how will it be 
\item   Is it based on symptoms, physiologic measurements, anatomical
        measurements, or a combination?
\item   Does the ``response'' variable truly
        measure the effect of treatment?
\item   When is the response measured --- 30 days after enrollment; 
        30 days after discharge from the hospital, anytime within a 
        5 year follow--up period, during the procedure, immediately
        upon reperfusion after a coronary artery is unclamped,
        after steady state, \ldots?\\
\item   If a ``time to'' endpoint, how much time is given to 
        enrolling patients and how much to follow--up?
\item   Where will patients come from and which group do they represent?
\item   How will the study results be used?
\bs{Education Opportunities at VU}
\item MSCI program
\item MPH program
\item GCRC workshops
\item Short courses (\emph{Statistical Thinking} will be offered at
        least twice/year)
\item Biostatistics seminars and workshops (see


Example Usage of Report Style for Handouts

The output is optimized for handouts and for readability by instructor during presentation.
% Usage: pdflatex foo
%        kprinter foo - print to pdf, 2-up for handouts

\topmargin -.2in  % was -.75 then -.25in
\textheight 9in    % was 9.5
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\parindent 0ex
\renewcommand\sfdefault{phv}%               use helvetica for sans serif
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\renewcommand{\co}[1]{\texttt{\smaller #1}}  % for software commands

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 \begin{itemize} \setlength{\itemsep}{3ex}}

    \need 2in


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\newcommand{\etal}{{\em et al.}}

\author{ }

\textsc{S for Statistical Data Analysis and Graphics} \\
\huge Frank E Harrell Jr \\
Department of Biostatistics \\
Vanderbilt University School of Medicine \\
{\tt f.harrell@vanderbilt.edu} \\
\url{http://biostat.mc.vanderbilt.edu/StatCompCourse} \\
{\small \today}
{\Large Workshop} \\ January 23 and 30, 2004 \\
Copyright 2000-2004 FE Harrell ~~~ All Rights Reserved


\chapter{Overview of Computer Languages and User Interfaces}
\section{Types of Products}
\item Operating systems: Windows, Unix, Linux, MacOS
\item Applications: Word, Excel
\item Commercial systems (Microsoft Windows and Office, \splus, SAS,
  SPSS, Mac)
 \item Code, bug list secret
 \item Expensive unless your institution has a site license
 \item Upgrades increase cost even though don't always add useful
\item Free open-source systems (Linux, \LaTeX, OpenOffice, R)
 \item Revolution in software availability and function from the open
   source movement
 \item Acceptance of free open-source \texttt{APACHE Web Server} by
   the commercial world and maturity of Linux has spearheaded this
   movement\footnote{\texttt{APACHE} is the number one Web server in
     the world in terms of popularity, soon outdistancing Microsoft
     servers by a 2:1 margin.  \texttt{APACHE} is used by major
     corporations for critical Web applications.
     See \emph{Rebel Code} by Glyn Moody;
     Cambridge MS: Perseus Publishing, 2001.}
 \item Can see all code, change it, learn from it
 \item Quality generally quite good
 \item More rapid updates
 \item No one obligated to assist users but most products have an
   active and helpful user news group
 \item Lacks some bells and whistles such as extensive GUI

\section{User Interfaces}
\item Graphical (GUI, mouse, menus)
 \item Easier to learn
. . .
Topic revision: r2 - 28 May 2009, FrankHarrell
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