-- BenSaville - 06 Nov 2009

Actionable Items

  • Jackie Shopluck: additional analysis for Dex paper
  • John Soslow: manuscript review for TOF paper
  • Charles Phillips: residence paper

On hold Items

Completed Items

  • Arnold: Propensity matching for BiPAP project. (report sent on 08/19/2014)
  • Sarah Jaser: Analysis according to the hypothesis she sent over.
  • Meg and Soslow: redo the analyses: 1) use percent change of BMI in repeated measure analysis adjusting for baseline 2) use BMI Z score for Cox model
  • Amelia Keaton - manuscript: adding 2011-2012 data
  • Lindsay Roofe: remove mechnism_given==3 patients and rerun the analysis, change to row percent, try with/wo "social worker involved" in the model
  • Shuplock: Dex manuscript review, change the independent test to paired test after matching
  • Report sent: Meg McKane & Jon Soslow: assessing association between BMI and outcome of interest
  • Fleming: manuscript review
  • Fleming - additional analysis with more data
  • Mary Romano - Comparing two time points of data on the outcome of interest. Lost Kelly's old code need to start over.
  • Shopluck: Dex manuscript with new data
  • Jonathan Soslow: Analysis of "Obesity leads to underestimation of Ventricular Volumes and abnormal myocardial strain in repaired tetralogy of fallot as measured by Crdiac MRI" . Wait for low BMI category and will add spline of age and age*BMI in the model
  • John Williams: manuscript revisions
  • Kannankeril and Shuplock:working on the CIs of the difference on the outcomes before and after matching
  • Agarwal: Manuscript revision
  • Cary Fu: grant re-submission. Working on analysis plan and sample size calculation for grant proposal.
  • Kannankeril and Shuplock: Data analysis of "The effect of Peri-operative Eexmedetomidine on Arrhythmias after Surgery for congenital heart disease". Report was sent to investigator
  • Jill Simmons: questions for manuscript
  • James Gay and Charles Phillips: Analysis was done and already met with Charles to go over the results.
  • Abstract for Don Arnold: Spearman correlation coefficient and 95% CI at 3 time points between PEP and other outcomes
  • Redo the analysis for Linsay Roofe using the updated data (PEM variable was re-evaluated)
  • Roofe, Arnold, report was sent to investigator. Abstract was submitted.
  • Michael O'connor and Don Arnold: Inter-rater Reliability of Two Acute Asthma Severity Scores. Statistical Analysis Plan was sent to investigator.
  • Quick calculation of Weighted Kappa for Johnathan Soslow
  • Manuscript review for Dr. Simmons's "Prevalence of 25-Hydroxyvitamin D Deficiency in a Pediatric Population with Type 1 Diabetes Mellitus Compared to a Control Population"
  • Manuscript review for Dr. Agarwal's "Risk factors and outcomes associated with excessive bleeding in pediatric cardiac surgery”
  • Geoffrey Fleming - Aim: Assess if there is any improvement in the self-reported score on 3 areas and test whether the change is associated with the factor of interest. Report was sent to investigator
  • Agarwal-analysis for the blood products with bleeding. Done, report was sent to investigator
  • Rosen - check manuscript addition. Done, report was sent to investigator
  • Don Arnold - Analysis was done, report was sent to investigator. Aim: correlate PEP with other measurement of ASTHMA severity
  • Jill Simmons: Analysis was done and has been sent to investigator.
  • John Williams: Completed by Ben, MX was not added to the access of Redcap.Manuscript resubmission, wants to compare titers and positive rates for MPV vs. RSV viruses in prospective cohort of children.
  • Geoffrey Fleming - write AP
  • Dr. Mary Romano & Dr. Carrie Lind - passed to Kelly, Dec 2012
    • SAP has been approved by PI's
    • Waiting for PI to send six months of data through Red Cap
    • Data exported from RedCap (07/31/2012)
    • Statistical Analysis in progress
    • Had to stop the analysis because I would need the post-prompt data which is not ready, I thought it was part of initial data loaded but is not.(08/07/2012)
    • PI's are including another variable on RedCap analysis will start soon.
  • Dr. Killen report is also done, Kelly and I kind of disagreed with the method used, I wanted to use Fisher Exact test and she wanted Chi-square test.
  • Dr. Thomsen
    • SAP has been sent to them waiting for approval from PI.
    • PI has approved and analysis should start any time soon with dummy data set from PI.
    • Analysis is in progress using dummy data set, as of 11/05/2012
    • Original data set has just been received and has been run.
    • Statistical analysis report is ready 11/05/2012.
    • Analysis report sent to Ben for review.
  • Dr. Donald Arnold
    • Meeting with Ben possibly sometime this week to discuss SAP (Meeting date to be scheduled).
    • SAP partially done, sent to Ben for comments.
    • Need to update comments from Ben on SAP
    • SAP is done sent to Ben for comments (07.23.12)
    • SAP has been modified again and sent to Ben for comments (07.25.2012)
    • SAP sent to PI, we don't have the data yet. (07/31/2012).
    • We met to discuss SAP and SAP has been updated and sent to PI's.(09/07/2012)
    • Waiting to hear from them
    • Received data today : Monday 10/15/2012.
    • PI has made significant changes to request , refer to PI's email 10/16/2012 and Ben's email: 10/21/2012
    • Analysis in progress
    • Updates have been done sent to Ben for review last week.
* Dr. Bremer wants us to do further analysis on two extra variables, data is in the dropbox folder.
  • Baseline values for this new data are all zeros so there is not need to adjust for baseline
  • This should be completely done by close of today : 11/12/12
* Dr Abramo wants us to reproduce the Statistical Analysis report on NIRS/DKA hypertonic Solution study with new data.
    • Data is ready in Dropbox folder (Old data 31/new data 30)
    • Note every base excess variable should be negative it appears on data as positive
    • Remember each patient record is a sheet and read in one at a time in turns.
    • Updated and sent to Ben for review.
    • Dr. Abramo want Mean, SD, for variables in study , would give him mean, min, max, median for variables but some of these variables have issues and would still need further cleaning. Would be ready today. 05/11/2012

  • Meeting with Ben/Rebecca/Dr. Abramo at 2pm wed(08/15/20/12)
    • SAP has been sent to Ben for review.(08/16/12)
    • SAP has been sent back to me for update
    • Updated SAP sent to Ben for approval (08/21/2012)
    • Has been sent to PIs, and its been approved
    • Data is received (08/27/2012)(Deadline in Dec 2012)
    • Statistical analysis in progress now...10/05/2012
    • Analysis passed on to Mario
*Dr. Yaa Kumah
    • Would need to schedule a meeting with her again to modify the analysis plan.
    • Meeting at Ben's office 07/20/2012 Friday 3pm with Yaa Kuma.
    • SAP is complete sent to Ben for comments, (07.23.12).
    • Yaa is out of office, auto response email says, until 07/30/2012. (She has to confirm the data for this project).
    • SAP has been sent to Yaa (07.25.2012)
    • Waiting for data
    • PI wants to meet with me tomorrow ( 08/01/2012: 3pm) to make minor changes to statistical analysis plan.
    • Meeting :PI said data has two different variables that measure cell phone use: Mobile phone use and diabetes Mobile phone use each with scale 1- 27.
    • Research question : 1.Wants to know what extra explanation does each predictor contribute to the variation in the response variable in each full Model: (a) Adherence = prob.solv + barriers + MobilePhoneUse, (b) A1C =Adherence+prob.solv + barriers +MobilePhoneUse, (c) A1C =Adherence+prob.solv + barriers+Dia.MobilePhoneUse, (d) Adherence=prob.solv + barriers +Dia.MobilePhoneUse.
    • 2. Which of the independent variables has a greater effect in predicting the response variable, in the event that the independent variables have different units of scale?
    • Analysis Plan (Main Points) : 1. Fit a linear regression model ; A1C = prob.solv + barriers + MobilePhoneUse +Dia.MobilePhoneUse, and set contrast option in R to generate Type III Sums of Squares. eg. options(contrasts=c(unordered="contr.sum", ordered="contr.poly")), Anova(lm(Y ~ x1+x2+x3 , data=dat1, type=3)) or use SAS . Type III SS test the Null Hypothesis: for a chosen B = 0 , when all other predictors are in the model. (comments:Type III SS have received a lot of criticisms I said, but PI insisted she wants that) .
    • 2. Standardized all variables ( Y and X) so they all have a std of 1, and fit a similar model as above, and compare the standardized coefficients for the biggest in value.
    • PI wants to better put the data in shape before sending it (data not ready).
    • SAP is rewritten after meeting, has been sent to Ben for approval.
    • Data still not ready.
    • Data received (08/16/12) Essentially columns I-M :(HbA1C | adherence | Barriers | problem solving |mobile phone use ).
    • In progress ..........over now
    • Analysis report sent to Ben (09/14/2012)

  • Dr. Amanda Berger
    • Meeting at 2:30pm at MCN 2220 to work on Abstract submission. 08/09/12
    • SAP and part of the analysis has been done to meet abstract deadline, to be continued. (08/13/12)
    • Meeting with Dr. Amanda Berger and Dr. Franguol 2pm (08/14/2012)
    • Meeting to be schedule before the end of August to continue with project above.
    • Meeting on Monday 2:30pm (08/20/12) . Ben, me and PI's Dr. Berger , Dr Frangoul.
    • SAP is done and sent to Ben for approval.(08/21/2012)
    • SAP is sent to PI and its been approved. ( 08/23/2012)
    • Statistical Analysis Report is Ready (08/27/2012).- Will send to Ben today.
    • Sent back to me updates done and sent to Ben (08/31/2012)
    • Statistical Analysis Report sent to PI (09/05/2012)
  • Dr. Drew Bremer
    • Completed SAP, sent to Ben for approval.
    • Need to update comments from Ben on SAP.
    • Would meet Ben on last method on SAP for clarification, time not set yet.
    • SAP has been modified again and sent to Ben for comments (07.25.2012)
    • Statistical Analysis is in progress
    • Statistical Analysis Report is done and ready ( 08/03/2012).
    • Update of Statistical Report in progress (now).
    • Updates done and sent to Ben for approval (08/23/2012)
    • Sent back to me for updates, updates are done left with executive summary with referencing .(08/31/2012)
    • Updates are completely done sent to Ben for approval. (09/04/2012).
    • Statistical Analysis Report sent to PI ( 09/05/2012).
  • Dr. Jeff Lomenick
    • Meeting to discuss the results of Analysis Report on Thursday 2pm, 07.26.12, at Ben's Office.
    • Need to update Statistical Analysis report with comments from last meeting.
    • Updating SA report : in progress
    • Updated reports are done and ready for both TSH and Free.T4 ( 08/07/2012).
    • Report has been updated and sent to PI, PI is OK with it.

  • Dr. Hemant Agarwal.
    • This project will be handled by Yan Hu
    • SAP is ready in Wenli's Bulk Files.
    • Deadline first or second week in August.
* Dr. Jeff Lomenick
    • Currently cleaning Data
    • Meeting with Ben before 11:30am on Wed June 27, 2012 to discuss SAP
    • Analysis is completed sent to Ben for comments.
    • Analysis id done with.
Old and Dead Meetings

* Dr. Frangoul and Dr. Amanda Berger : Meeting set for Friday 14th, 2:30pm at Ben's Office .
  • Dr. Abramo : Meeting is set for September 11th 4pm at Bens Office :Confirmed
  • Dr. Stacy Killen : Meeting Thursday : Sept 06. 4pm. at Ben's Office...status : over
  • Dr. Michael Glenn O'Connor: Meeting on Friday , Sept. 7th --12:45pm to 1:30 pm over
* Meeting on Tuesday Oct 2, at 3pm at Ben's office : Bill Herman, Ben, Evan Crossfield, Steve
  • Dr. Ettinger
    • Rerun the analysis report using 5 level acuity level
  • Dr. Yaa Kumah (Steve)
    • Research questions (grant)
      • To determine the sample size of exploring the association between A1C values and general phone use, social net work and diabetes related phone use
      • To doing the sample size justification of exploring the association between barrier questions, problem solving questions, and adherence questions and general phone use, social net work and diabetes related phone use
    • Research questions (Analysis 96 patients)
      • To explore the association between barrier questions, problem solving questions, and adherence questions and general phone use, social net work and diabetes related phone use
      • Issues: Outcomes are in 5 point likert scale and she'd like to look at 50 questions as outcome and 20 questions as predictors, not enough sample size and Type I error inflation.
    • Analysis plan
      • Using the summary scores for each questionnaire, fit a linear regression model on Adherence, as a function of barrier, problem solving questions, mobile use, A1C.
      • Using the summary scores for each questionnaire, fit a linear regression model on A1C, as a function of barrier, problem solving questions, mobile use, Adherence.
      • Using the summary scores for each questionnaire, fit a linear regression model on Adherence, as a function of barrier, problem solving questions, diabetic mobile use, A1C.
      • Using the summary scores for each questionnaire, fit a linear regression model on A1C, as a function of barrier, problem solving questions, diabetic mobile use, Adherence.
  • Dr. Yaa Kumah-Crystal (the same analysis but using the new data to adjust for more covariates)
    • Analysis plan
      • Fit a linear regression model on A1C values as a function of regiment status (Pre/Post), age, gender, status*age, status*gender with a sandwich estimator accounting for repeated measures [age being categorized into 3 interval]
      • Provide predicted plot of A1C vs. time for each age group
      • Provide predicted plot of A1C vs. time for each gender group
      • Perform wilcoxon signed rank test to weight and height before and after regimen chang, paired t test if normality assumption is satisfied.
      • Perform wilcoxon signed rank test to compare # of hospitalizations before and after regimen chang, paired t test if normality assumption is satisfied.
  • Dr. Agarwal
    • Review manuscript
    • Revisit the cpb data to determine whether cpb during time can predict cardiac or non-cardiac complications, LOI, LPICU, and Death, with adjustment for other confounders.
    • Prepare the analysis plan.
  • Katherine Kudyba
    • Provide descriptive stats for 15 pcr results
    • Use the new time window and rerun the report
    • Include the p values in Table 1
  • Dr. Jonathan Soslow
    • Fit a linear regression on average T1 time, with the predictor of group, adjusting for age
    • Assess the relationship of region and average t1 time (possibly variance) at each region of MRI image with the outcome--"LVEF", adjusting for age, medication, etc.
    • Write the analysis plan
  • Dr. Shoemaker
    • Provide the plot in R
  • Dr. Puzanovova
    • Provide two figures at baseline
  • Dr. Tom Abramo
    • Perform paired t test for the baseline and three post treatment time points(5,10,15)
    • Conduct the linear regression to determine the correlation between the changes pCO2, PH, and GCS and the delta changes in outcome
    • Fit the linear mixed effects model to explore the time trend in NIR readings.
  • Dr. Jessica Hebert Mouledoux
    • Create demographic table
    • Create fisher exact results table
  • Dr. Don Arnold
    • Bayesian model averaging method to select variables in the dataset
    • Figure out confidence intervals for the parameters
    • Include FEV1 just for sensitivity test
  • Dr. Revi and Dr. Phillips
    • Sample size justification for matched cased control study to explore the differences in number of repeats in estrogen receptor
    • Analysis plan to compare case control group. t test on 150 patients in each group
  • Dr. Mary Romano
    • Send an email to attend the clinic
  • Dr. Bondi
    • Add one more time point
    • Describe time
    • Set up an meeting to discuss * Dr. Ettinger
    • Provide publication quality plot
  • Dr. Bondi
    • Longitudinal study on diabetic patients with and without intervention
    • Provide descriptive stats
    • Provide histograms of A1C and number of observations
    • Create a table showing the number of observations
    • Fit linear regression model using main effects only, with cubic spline function and GEE sandwich estimator
    • Provide contrast table for the differences between two time points
    • Provide Predicted plot vs time
    • Fit linear regression model using main effects and one interaction term, with cubic spline function and GEE sandwich estimator
    • Provide contrast table for the differences between two time points
    • Provide Predicted plot vs time by three age level
  • Dr. Jim Gay
    • Comparison of sample of chart reviews (n=200) vs. all readmissions for manuscript of readmission preventability
    • Provide CIs for the comparisons between reviewed and un-reviewed patients on a list of predictors
  • Dr. DeBaun
    • Table 1 of demographics (see previous manuscript) with 7 columns
    • Give Dionna first 25 and last 25 patients IDs in blood pressure, age, height, weight, hemoglobin.
    • Frequencies for 3 types of events (silent infarct, CIA, over stroke)
    • Total patient years (overall, by those with and without events)
  • Dr. Shoe maker
    • Provide graphs
    • Review manuscript
    • Bootstrap CI
  • Dr. DeBaun
    • Give separate document for descriptives of variables in analysis
  • Dr. Ettinger
    • Review the draft of the manuscript
  • Dr. Natasha Halasa (Grant proposal)
    • Read about sample size calculation for non-inferiority study
    • Review reponses from Natasha
    • Write power calculation part in the grant
  • Dr Halasa
    • Clean up the new dataset
    • Rerun the analysis being restricted in the different time range
  • Dr. Arnold
    • Bootstrap CIs in Table 1
  • Dr. Arnold
    • Review research letter of cPRAM
    • Sample size calculation
  • Katherine Kudyba and Dr. Halasa
    • Send Katie figures file
    • Describe 4 patients with ROS but died
    • List x-ray reasons for abnormal patients
  • Dr. Jim Gay
    • Conduct comparisons between A vs. C+D and B vs. C+D
  • Dr. Natasha Halasa
    • Create a graph of raw counts of bacteria across month
    • Rerun the analysis for Lindsey Lawrence using the complete datset
  • Dr. Jim Gay (hospitalization dataset)
    • Provide histograms for 4 continuous outcomes
    • Fit ols() model for LOS, charges, relative weight and age regressed on group (A, B, and D)
    • Use sandwich estimator to adjust for repeated measures
    • Fit ordinal logistic regression model for CRG group regressed on group, with sandwich estimator to adjust for repeated measures.
  • Dr. Ashley Shoemaker
    • Rerun the analysis with the new data
  • Katherine Kudyba and Dr. Halasa
    • Add two variables in the comparison list
    • Group those patient with both ROS and other diagnosis into ROS=N
    • Use categorical version of variables
  • Dr. Puzanovova
    • Replace all log variables in Table 15
    • Remove all the w-variables in Table 15
    • Provide descriptive tables for baseline psychological variables, with CIs and P values
    • Provide correlation coefficients among all 12 variables
  • Dr. Creech
    • Manuscript review
  • Dr. Ettinger
    • Provide three graphs with publication quality
  • Dr. Puzanovova
    • Add rmssd as the outcome in the secondary report
    • Conduct comparisons between IBS and healthy patient groups in those outcomes of interest at baseline.
    • Explore the correlation between physiological factors( Heart rate) and psychological factors (severity ?)
  • Dr. Jim Gay
    • Perform Kendall's concordance W to assess the inter-rater reliability
    • Perform GEE Poisson model on the consensus ratings without covariates
    • Perform GEE Poisson model on the consensus ratings regressed on a set of risk factors
  • Dr. Shoemaker
    • Fitting linear regression model adjusted by robcov()
    • Provide predicted means plot
  • Dr. Ettinger
    • Fit a logistic regression model on the binary outcome--admission Y/N with individual acuity level and interaction term
    • See how the regression model fitting results look like to decide whether need to remove average Acuity from the current model
    • Create a descriptive for demographic variables
  • Dr. Don Arnold(PRAM)
    • Doing research on CI of R square (bootstrap)
    • Doing comparisons among three scores
    • Standardize the cPRAM and mPRAM score to 12 points scale
    • Provide two plots for PRAM vs. cPRAM or mPRAM separately, with R square (different colors) on the same panel
  • Dr. Ettinger
    • Calculate the average time to admission for patients with bed requests
    • Provide the graph of predicted rate versus across DOW
  • Katherine Kudyba (waiting on the list of variables of interest)
    • Summary table between two groups with or without positive ROS
    • Summary table between two groups with or without positive virus
    • Summary table between two groups by age groups (<28 days versus >28 days and < 6 months)
  • Dr. Agarwal
    • Review manuscript
  • Dr. Jim Gay
    • Write analysis plan
    • Doing research on how to assess agreement among ordinal ratings
  • Dr. Ettinger
    • Merge the admission and visit dataset
    • Cluster patients into half hour interval
    • Count # of bed requests, # of visits, take average of acuity level
    • Fit a negative or poisson model on the number of bed requests, offset by number of visits, adjusted by day, month and acuity level
    • Provide a summary table of estimated rates
    • Provide a contrast test on shift intervals vs. all other intervals
    • Provide a predicted plot of rate across intervals
  • Dr. Revi
    • Review manuscript
  • Dr. Revi Mathew
    • Rerun the analysis on subset data
    • Add one variable in the model
  • Dr. Arnorld
    • Double check normalization
    • Add spearman correlation test
  • Dr. Jim Gay
    • Make a graph in R
  • Dr. Don Arnold (cPRAM)
    • Remove duplicate records
    • Provide histograms of two outcomes
    • Verify whether standardized variables are correct
    • Fit linear restricted cubic spline model on tow outcomes on each predictor (6 models)
    • Provide ANOVA table, summary table and predicted plots
    • Provide Bland Altman plots to assess the agreement of three standardized measurements
    • Calculate ICC with CI
    • Fit linear restricted cubic models with baseline measurement of FEV and PRAM
    • Provide ANOVA table, summary table and predicted plots
    • Replicate the analysis on Rios
  • Dr.Warolin
    • Created a summary variable
    • Provide descriptive stats for overall and by x ray status
    • Provide histogram of outcomes, considering log transformation if needed
    • Perform negative binomial regression model on the number of episodes at each position as a function of reflux status
    • Perform t test on three continuous outcome. Be cautious about the normality of three outcomes.
  • Figure out the prior distribution for BMA method
  • Dr.Puzanovova (07/26/11)
    • Generate two pdf, one with coding flipped, and word count removed;
    • The other one with coding flipped, and word count removed, baseline interval included in the outcome and 5 contrast comparison for outcomes mean RRI, SD RRI, and HF
    • Provide 5 contrasts at each interval and across all intervals, respectively
    • Replicate it on original scale for log transformed outcomes
  • Dr Agarwal
    • Through "Bayesian model averaging" to select predictors
    • Fit proportional odds logistic model to compare group differences
    • Review the manuscript
  • Dr. Creech Buddy
    • Review manuscript
  • Dr Jim Gay
    • Review manuscript
    • Fill in the stats
    • Check the numbers
    • Improve figures
  • Dr.Puzanovova and Dr. Walker
    • Provide descriptive tables
    • Provide histograms
    • Provide a graph of raw means across time points
    • For baseline data, fit a linear regression model with restricted cubic spine function to assess the group effect
    • Provide Anova table, summary table, table of broken down effects, table of predicted values, dot chart of predicted value
    • For longitudinal data, fit a linear regression model with restricted cubic spine function, including 3-way and 2-way interactions.
    • Provide Anova table, summary table, table of broken down effects, table of predicted values, line graph of predicted value
    • Figure out how to get effects averaging out another variable in summary table
    • Replace summary table stats with these averaging estimates
  • Dr. Revi
    • Provide data
    • Do comparison
  • Ben Deschner
    • Review abstract
  • Dr Joycy Granger
    • Fit cox regression model
    • Review manuscript
  • Dr Mathew Revi
    • rerun the analysis with data with new metrix
    • Compare the outcome with old report
  • Dr. Ben Deschner
    • Provide spaghetti plot by group
    • Label the data points by group in predicted plot
    • Add interaction term into the model
    • Add VSD into the propensity score model
    • Estimate outcome change at three time points
  • Help Natalia Jimenez with her numbers (manuscript)
  • Dr. Locklair
    • Provide trajectory plot of asthma score over time
    • Perform wilcoxon test between initial measurement and last measurement
  • Dr. Natasha Halasa
    • Restrict the date in the defined range
    • Rerun the analysis with the new data
  • Dr. Locklair
    • Reshape the data set from wide to long
    • Transform outcomes in log scale
    • Provide histograms and spaghetti plot for three outcomes
    • Calculate ICC
    • Fit linear model with restricted cubic spline, adjusting for repeated measures
    • Provide table of estimates, ANOVA tables and predicted means plot
  • Dr. Ben Deschner
    • Provide descriptive stats
    • Calculate propensity score
    • Fit a linear regression model with sandwich estimator for longitudinal outcomes
    • Fit cox proportional hazards model for time to event outcome
  • Revi
    • redo analysis with new data (note new cutoffs for positive vs. negative test results) and send ID #'s
    • Fit cox model in the report
  • Sara Rippel, manuscript preparation (waiting on data), Clinical outcomes of former pediatric patients with histologic reflux esophagitis
    • Has about 10 outcomes, mostly dichotomous, a couple continuous (depression scales), wants to compare 3 groups (GER, Normal Endoscopy, Controls)
    • Provide 2*2 tables and histograms
    • For binary outcomes, use logistic regression
    • Perform logistic regression models for ordinal outcomes
    • Perform linear regression model with continuous outcomes
    • In Subgroup analysis, we will fit logistic regression to calculate propensity scores
    • Fit a second logistic regression model to incorporate both group and propensity scores
  • Dr. Yaa Kumah-Crystal (wait on the data)
    • Add a table of predicted values at -400,0,400
    • Add more predictors in the model
    • Provide predicted plots
  • Dr. Sara Horst
    • Perform logistic regression with restricted cubic spline on each continuous variable
    • Provide predicted probability plots for each continuous variable
    • Provide table of estimates and anova table
    • If depression is not significant, remove Abd symptom score from the model and rerun it. only table needed.
  • Power analysis
    • Calculate sample size for two outcomes using chi-square test for two proportions
    • Calculate effect size using t test
  • Dr. Bremer (monkey data)
    • Manuscript review
  • Dr.Revi Mathew (11/12/10)
    • Manuscript review
  • Patrick Drayna (fellow) and Dr. Don Arnold
    • Provide estimates and CIs for differences in predicted means between baseline and follow-up time points
    • Perform linear mixed effects model and provide table of estimates
    • Provide a predicted means plot for lme model
    • Add dose, age and gender to restricted cubic spline model
    • Calculate the standard deviation of differences between baseline and follow-up
    • Calculate the standard deviation within each time point
    • Calculate the correlation between baseline and follow-up
  • Dr. Bremer (monkey data)
    • Provides methods and summary section
    • Provide estimates and CI for each outcome
    • Provide predicted plots for each outcome, log and original scale
  • Dr. Arnold (Asthma patients)
    • Provide descriptive stats and histograms of outcomes
    • Test for correlation among predictors
    • Perform logistic and linear regression models on three outcomes (Delta or 2hr adjusted for baseline value)
    • Check whether sample size can support the model, if not, need to choose which one to use
  • Patrick Drayna (fellow), Don Arnold PAS abstract/manuscript requiring repeated measures.
    • Restructure data so that it's tall, not wide
    • Provide histograms of Isop by time to check normality assumptions
    • If normality satisfied, fit linear model with spline for time: y = time + dose, use Robcov for repeated measures
  • Dr. Bremer and Dr. Mathew
    • Hochberg correction for all the p value
    • Add two columns in the table, the new alpha level and test result
    • Take out all the variables with small sample size
    • Create a table for Spearman test to show the corrected p value and results
  • Dr. Bremer (grant: pilot data)
    • Provide histograms for original and log scale variables
    • Provide sample size calculation using paired t test between 12 months and baseline
    • Fit linear mixed effect model on each outcome for the pilot data
    • Provide estimates and CI for multiple comparison
    • Provide predicted plots for each outcome
  • Dr. Yaa Kumah-Crystal
    • Reshape the dataset from wide to long
    • Provide descriptive stats and histograms
    • Perform linear mixed effect model to compare pre vs. post A1C values
    • Perform linear model with spline on time variable
    • Provide linear graph based on the model
  • Dr. Sarah Horst
    • Perform logistic regression with restricted cubic spline
    • Provide predicted probability plot based on the model output
  • Dr. Matthew Locklair(12/2/10)
    • Combine individual csv file to one dataset
    • Seek for matches in two datasets
    • Provide descriptive stats and histograms of matched records
    • Perform correlation test for each pair
    • Transform three outcomes
    • Perform linear mixed model to test for association for athma data
  • Dr. Agarwal
    • Provide forest plot and boxplot for each table
    • Adjust scale of each plot
    • Perform proportional odds ratio test and logistic regression on morbidity after surgery, adjusted for bypass time and bleeding status
  • Dr. James Gay (manuscript) (11/10/10)
    • Review stats in manuscript
  • Dr. Buddy Creech (11/12/10)
    • Provide figures and tables for manuscript
  • Dr.Revi Mathew (11/12/10)
    • Provide descriptive tables and histograms
    • Compare case and control groups with Wilcoxon signed rank test
    • Perform spearman correlation test
  • Dr.Arnold (11/15/10)
    • Provide spaghetti plots and median plots for two outcome groups
    • Provide boxplots
  • Dr.Claudia Florez (11/12/10)
    • Provide boxplots for groups comparisons
  • Dr. Natasha Halasa (11/12/10)
    • Provide comparisons for the variables of interest between 6 groups
  • Dr. James Gay (manuscript)
    • Provide histograms and 2*2 tables with updated data
    • Perform Wilcoxon rank sum test for 0-7 days vs. 8-15 days and for for acute vs. chronic
    • Provide stats for two groups
  • Dr. Buddy Creech (10/18/10)
    • Provide a matrix of Spearman correlations
    • Perform GEE logistic regression model on children colonization
    • Evaluate effect of maternal colonization at birth, discharge, two months and 4 months through contrast matrix
    • Perform ANOVA table to give overall p value
    • Provide table of predicted probability for each combination of maternal colonization and time
    • Refit the model with the predictor Mcol at enrollment
    • Repeat both model with Vandy data only (be careful of the sample size
  • Dr. Mathew Revi
    • Provide descriptive stats for subgroups of patients
    • Provide contingency tables for two tests
  • Dr. Puzanovova
    • Provide means graph of four groups for each outcome
  • Dr. Shari Barkin and Dr. Rachel Biber (Manuscript revision)
    • Add a table of contents * Delete Sections 2.1 and 2.2
    • For sections 2.4 and 2.5, use BMI z score (variable \bmizscore") instead of BMI percentile.
    • Perform restricted cubic splines for the predictor instead of polynomials
    • Give summary tables along with p-values and R-squared
    • Provide corresponding graph for the continuous predictor of interest.
  • Dr.Puzanovova (second plan) (9/29/10)
    • Subset data with time intervals 1-4
    • Provide spaghetti plot for all patients
    • Calculate the difference between time interval 1 and 2, 2 and 3, 3 and 4
    • Fit linear model with baseline values and predictors
    • Provide table of parameters and anova output
    • Provide predicted means for differences for each combination
    • Perform interaction test on two way interaction term and refit the model if not significant
    • Provide another table of parameters if not significant
    • Subset data with time intervals 1-3
    • Perform interaction test on three way interaction term and refit the model if not significant
    • Provide table of parameters, ANOVA table and table of predicted means only for final model
    • Provide predicted means graphs for 4 groups vs. time intervals
  • Dr. Agarwal Hemant: bleeding study (9/17/10)
    • Provide descriptive stats
    • Perform logistic regression on bleeding outcome with predictors of interest
    • Provide predicted probability plot for continuous variables
    • Perform Wilcox Rank Sum test for the difference in the bleeding group vs. non-bleeding group on blood product transfusion outcomes
    • Provide descriptive stats for blood product use by bleeding status
    • Perform logistic regression on outcome bleeding with PICU variables
    • Provide predicted graph for delta time
    • Perform the Wilcox Rank Sum test and Fisher exact test to test for the differences of distribution in morbidity variables by bleeding status
  • Dr. Agarwal Hemant: CBP study (9/17/10)
    • Provide descriptive stats
    • Perform logistic regression on death with adjusting for severity of surgery, bypass time and their interaction
    • Provide predicted probability graph for bypass time
    • Provide descriptive table for bypass time by death
    • Perform proportional adds logistic regression model on ordinal outcomes
  • Dr. Agarwal Hemant: CBP study 3.5 years (9/17/10)
    • Provide descriptive stats
    • Perform proportional adds logistic regression model on ordinal outcome and test for the interaction term to decide the final model
    • For final model with interaction term, evaluate the effect of the continuous predictor at each level of rachs
    • Provide table of parameters for the final model
    • Perform logistic regression model on death
    • Provide table of parameters and predicted probability plot for bypass time
  • Dr. Mathew Revi (first plan 8/26/10)
    • Provide descriptive stats for overall data and subsets
    • Provide counts and proportions for two successive tests by resutls
    • Perform logistic regression on outcome "steroids treatment" to test the effect of initial GHST test and ACTH test 1cortisol value
    • Provide predicted probability graphs for these two continuous variables
    • Dichotomize the initial GHST test and ACTH test 1 result
    • Provide the 2*2 table and perform fisher exact test to test for the associate between binary predictors and outcome "steroids treatment"
    • Subset the dataset for whose deficiency status are available
    • Repeat the logistic regression on outcome deficiency status with initial GHST test and ACTH test 1 cortisol value
    • Repeat the Fisher exact test on outcome deficiency status
    • Provide predicted probability plots for initial GHST test and ACTH test 1 cortisol value
  • Dr.Abramo (pre tapped study) (9/10/10)
    • Updated the dataset with new files (including 4 new pts)
    • Rerun the pre analysis on the new dataset
    • Perform linear regression model on means and standard deviations with the same predictors
  • Dr.Abramo (pre and post tapped study) (9/10/10)
    • Updated the dataset with new files (including 4 new pts)
    • Rerun the pre and post analysis on the new dataset
    • Perform linear mixed effect model on left and right NIRS readings with tap status variables ( pre, during and post) and other predictors of interest
    • Split time period after getting tapped into 8 small intervals and refit the model with these interval dummy variables
  • Dr. Hemant (survey1)
    • Provide descriptive stats
    • Merge two dataset
    • Provide 2*2 tables for each survey questions for both pre and post surveys
    • Provide summary statistics and perform Wilcoxon test betweeen pre and post surveys
    • Repeat the tables and analysis for post and handoff surveys
    • Provide summary statistics for 4 Likert-scale questions
    • Perfrom Kruskal-Wallis test to compare 5 role groups
  • Dr.Abramo (post)
    • Provide 6*6 matrix plots for pre and post-tapped patients
    • Provide Bland Altman test for left and right measurement agreement
    • Linear mixed analysis for NIRS pre tap readings in comprehensive model
  • Dr.Puzanovova (second plan)
    • Provide ICC table and effective sample size for all the outcome variables on first 3 time points only
    • Fit a restricted cubic spline model for one outcome with interaction term and adjusted with robcov()
    • Provide ICC for time points 1 and 2, 2 and 3
    • Fit a linear mix model with the same predictors and outcome
    • Provide ICC table for all the outcome variables on first 3 time points only * Dr. Matthew Revi (08/26/10)
    • Provide descriptive stats
    • Label all the variables
    • Provide descriptive tables by variable and by tests
    • Clean data by switching rows and columns
    • Replace Metryrapone test variable in the descriptive tables
    • Provide descriptive stats for subgroup patients (151, 18, 13 and 34 separately)
    • Create a new outcome named "Deficiency"
    • Combine the two steroids treatment use (Maintenance and Stress)
    • Rerun the two models with two new outcome (continuous and dichotomized)
    • Provide predicted probability plots for each model
  • Dr. James Gay (hospitalization dataset) (8/13/10)
    • Lump together the APR-DRG MDC levels
    • Replace severity with MDCs in descriptive table and GEE model
    • Provide predicted probability tables to all categorical variables
    • Provide graphs to depict predicted probabilities
  • Dr. Abramo (8/11/10)
    • Rescale all the matrix plots
    • Bland Altman test for left and right measurement agreement
    • Provide comprehensive and individual plots
  • Dr. Dalabih
    • Provide a survival analysis graph
    • Convert the odds ratio in survival table
    • Provide analysis for time to mild status
    • Produce graphs for time to mild status * Dr. Abramo
    • Provide graphs of readings for each patient
    • Create a matrix of graphs of readings
    • Provide matrix graphs for 18 patients (128 pre-tap data)
    • Provide descriptive stats for standard deviations for 128 patients
  • Dr. Halasa Natasha
    • Provide 3 descriptive graphs * Dr.Abramo
    • Data manipulation to create tap marker
    • Create labels for during-tap
    • Making descriptive tables for pre and post tap data
    • Making histograms
    • ICC analysis
    • Study differences in distributions
    • Linear regression model analysis
  • Dr. James Gay (hospitalization dataset)
    • Create descriptive tables
    • Create outcome variables and fitting logistic regression GEE model
    • ANOVA for GEE
    • Predictive probability
  • Dr. Dalabih 7/19/10
    • Update all analyses with new data set
    • Adding race and gender to the model for infusion status
  • Dr.Granger(waiting for input) 7/15/10
    • Produce tables and figures for Etco2 manuscript
  • Dr. James Gay (patients dataset) 7/12/10
    • Provide descriptive statistics on overall data, and by group
    • Create summary table for age distributions
    • Create summary table for age distributions by 7 categories
    • Detect differences in age and gender distributions between Group C and other inpatients
    • Detect group difference in total number of hospital days and hospitalizations
  • Dr.Abramo
    • Check and update stats in the NIR paper
    • Check and update stats in ETco2 paper
  • Dr. Erin Alber
    • Review manuscript stats
  • Dr.Granger
    • Create table and figures for ATV manuscript
    • Look at the correlation of the new variable for Etoco2 project
  • Dr.Abramo
    • Clean the dataset and rerun the analysis
    • Create two types of time variables
    • Plot NIRS reading across time using both types of variables
  • Dr. Romano
    • Provide descriptive stats summary tables for questions with scores, single and multiple choices, respectively
    • Provide descriptive stats and histograms for survey results
  • Dr. Dalabih
    • Rerun the analysis with corrected data
    • Detect raw drug level effect
  • Dr.Puzanovova (first plan)
    • Describe variables of interest
    • Provide mean tables and plots for 13 primary outcome variables (one plot for each variable)
    • Provide mean tables and plots for each of 13 primary outcome variables under 4 subgroups (one plot for each variable)
    • Detect group effect and gender effect on primary outcomes using lme model
    • Produce interaction plots for variables of interest
    • Determine correlation among variables of interest with linear mixed model
    • Compare GEE packages in R
    • Run GEE model to test for association of 6 variables with outcomes
  • Dr.Abramo
    • Combine 130 csv files into one dataset
    • Rerun the analysis with new dataset
  • Dr. Dalabih
    • Describe time to mild status
    • Detect drug dose effect
    • Spearman correlation test on q2hs time and time to mild status
  • Granger
    • Survival analysis on association between outcomes and Etco2 values
  • Erin Albers
    • Rerun analysis without #83 and edit report
  • UNC.MP
    • Run descriptive stats
  • Dr. Dalabih
    • Run descriptive stats and provide summaries for variables of interest
    • Fit cox proportional hazards model with either binary or continuous predictor to assess drug influence
  • Erin Albers
    • Check normality assumptions
    • Run repeated measures ANOVA to determine condition effect
    • Pairewise comparison("Tukey" HSD)
  • Dr.Abramo
    • Combine 130 csv files into one dataset
    • Change variable labels
  • VCH readmission study
    • Run descriptive stats
  • Dr. Abramo
    • Remove one file from dataset
    • Burn a data cd
  • MPV project
    • Produce descriptive statistics tables
    • Use summary.formula to produce 2*2 table
    • Run Fisher exact test for subject with small expected cell count
    • Run univariate logistic regression on continuous variables
  • Barkin (12 hr)
    • Create format for gender, BMI category
    • Run regressions
    • Produce graphs
    • Produce demographic table (age, sex bmi percentile, WC, BIA)
  • Granger
    • Get ICC for Delta, forced and unforced data
    • Include FEV% to the descriptive table
    • Convert and format outcome variables
    • Descriptive Statistics on main variables in wide data set (delta's, Asthma score, %FEV, 10 outcome variables)
    • Make tall data set (1 row per observation)
    • Detect time effect in deltas
    • Detect baseline athma score effect
    • Detect FEV effect in deltas
    • Produce boxplots for non-forced,forced and deltas at various time points
  • Abramo
    • Update Abramo datasets with new csv file
    • Use Abramo data to get ICC using book formula and lme()
    • get CI using book formula
    • compare icc() and ICC.CI() function using both textbook data and Abramo data.
    • Based on the distribution of readings, calculate ICC and R²
  • Mark Reiderer analysis
    • Describe scores for each item in questionnaire by residence group
    • Plot histograms of scores for each question by group
    • Describe three outcomes by year and group and perform Wilcoxon test
    • Plot histograms of outcomes by year and group
  • ATV (Granger)
    • Investigate predicted means using Mean() function of rms package

  • ATV (Granger)
    • Produce vertical boxplots by year for the outcomes of interest, with year (2000,2001,etc.) on the x-axis
      • Have one figure for each outcome
      • Outcomes (y-axis): hospital charges, age, ISS, GCS, ICU, Hosp days,
    • Have another plot for year(x-axis) vs. total number of accidents(y-axis)
    • Formal test for trend over time
    • Perform test of counts vs. time
    • Edit report
  • Abramo
    • Import data from Abramo study into one R data file
    • Create tapped variable
    • Remove observation at and after "tapped"
    • Describe left and right column data and plot histograms separately
    • Create new data set with just left and right means by patients'ID
  • Barkin
    • Produce requested table - keep track of hours (12 hr)
    • Add "Obese group" to previous table (1hr)
  • Hermant
    • Produce one table for Death vs. all predictors
    • Produce separate tables for predictors vs. three outcome variables
  • Miranda Rainese
    • Describe data set
    • Summarize outcomes by predictor
    • Perform ordinal logistic regression on outcomes vs. the predictor
    • Edit the report

Dr. Halasa UBS funding

  • Dr. Najwa khuri
    • Request to provide descriptive stats for a set of predictor on patients all the cases of RSV infection
    • Compare the patients to those with other virus individually or collectively
  • Vaccine clinical trial
    • Prepare the HAI dataset
    • Write an analysis plan
    • Provide descriptive stats by day and by severity
    • Change the denominator in the barchart as the number of patients in each group
    • Provide bar charts for local and systemic AE
    • Provide 4 tables comparing 0-3 and 4-7 by group( 0-3[HD vs. SD], 4-7[HD vs. SD], HD[0-3 vs 4-6], SD[0-3 vs. 4-6]
    • Provide spheghathi plot for temperature across day
    • Perfom chi-square test for all types of AEs
  • SOT
    • Prepare the HAI dataset
    • Perfom chi-square test for all types of AEs
  • PIV groups comparisons
    • Provide descriptive stats by PIV status group
    • rerun the report after fixing the errors
Topic revision: r346 - 19 Aug 2014, MengXu
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