-- BenSaville - 03 May 2011

Collaboration with Dr. Michael DeBaun

Requested (no meeting yet)

Active (already had meeting, work to do)

  • Paul Moore - R34 submission
    • Help with VICTR request
  • SIT - ARRA funding
    • adjust survival analysis for baseline blood pressure value
    • Focus on manuscript for expected height and weight (and percentiles) for kids with sickle cell anemia, by gender and age
      • Bayesian possibility - borrow information from curves from standard population

Completed Items

  • SAC-I data hub (Wenli's project)
    • Wants to receive data from SAC I multiple centers and store them as one large merged data set
    • Wenli to collect all data sets and documentation, and at least one data request
    • Dale and Jeremy to create database merge of files and produce scripts to generate data requests
    • Creation of a 2nd VICTR database (REDCap) with Beth Malow
  • SAC-II data hub (Wenli's project)
    • Wants to receive data from SAC II multiple centers and store them as one large merged data set
    • Data will be available for queries and distribution to analysts
    • A similar structure was used by Avril Adelman (Wash U) for SAC-I
    • Dale will identify IT person to organize this; Wenli has time to assist and manage data afterwards
    • Project goal - have everything in place by Aug 1st (funding for Avril ends Aug 31)
  • SAC-I
    • Secondary analyses, have templates and questions already defined
    • To meet the week of May 2nd and have Wenli program analyses
  • SIT Feasibility Trial submission
    • Needs me to write stats section for VICTR Application
    • Currently has multicenter R01 at Wash U: Silent Cerebral Infarct Trial
    • Wants to resubmit the R01 with a new treatment arm
    • Needs small, 2-site (UAB & Hopkins) feasibiility trial for proof of concept using REDCap
    • Wants to use Vandy as Coordinating Center
    • Will submit for funding through VICTR
    • Robert Sidonio- has K award to dedicate 75% of effort to the project
    • Frank: add aim about lesion size to get dose/response relationship instead of binary outcome
      • Use logistic regression to identify risk factors or subgroups that lead to 20-30% change in risk
      • 1st thing: Plot histogram of predictive risk
      • Frank suggests 7.5% PhD, 30% MS through VICTR for 2-3 years
    • Also wants statistician to visit 6 sites in Fall (Hopkins, Boston, UCSF, Pittsburgh, Cincinnati, etc.)

Topic revision: r10 - 26 Apr 2013, JohnBock
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