-- BenSaville - 12 Aug 2011

Table of Contents

22Aug 2011, Dale, Jeremy, Wenli, Ben

  • We discussed bringing all SAC I data to Vanderbilt and processing all future requests in place of Avril
  • Dale is very uncomfortable promising to produce SAC I requests with any sort of timeline
  • Recommended that DeBaun find a data coordinator to work closely with DeBaun and IT specialists
  • We need the following things to make SAC I happen
    • Good access to all raw data, with proper documentation and data dictionaries for each of the data sets
    • Well-defined requests (do we have an idea of the volume and frequency of requests?)

11 Aug 2011, DeBaun and Saville Thursday phone call

  • SAC I is more pressing need than SAC II, Avril will not be available for future data queries
  • Need to get all SAC I data from Avril
  • Are we still wanting to dump the data into REDCap?
  • Need example of request

10 Aug 2011, Saville, Wang, Stephens

  • Discussed interface created by Jeremy to upload data
  • Have not merged the data yet
  • Is there a data dictionary for meth.sas7bdat?
  • When will data be available/finalized?

Topic revision: r2 - 23 Aug 2011, BenSaville
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