A Quick Howto for Konqueror/Cervisia/CVS

This brief tutoiral will teach you how to check out the rreport module from the Biostat server. You must have installed Cervisia if it was not already installed with Konqueror (as root run apt-get update then apt-get install cervisia).

First you must open Konquereor:


Notice the icon near the upper right corner that looks like a brick wall. That's the Cervisia View. Essentialy Konqueror treats the CVS functionality as a special View type. The other icons next to Cervisia are the "Icon View" and the "List view" icons.

Note: If you can't see the Cervisia View Icon, then click on the View menu, then the View Mode sub-menue and search for Cervisia as in the picture below. If Cervisia is not there, then your version of Konqueror does not have the Cervisia extension. Talk to your administrator about getting this extension.


Now click on the Cervisia View icon (or select Cervisia from the View mode menu as above).


You should see a benign warning message like the one above. Cervisia is complaining because the current directory, /home/hornerjr, is not controlled by CVS. Click on "OK" to get rid of the messages. *We are now in Cervisia Mode*.


You should see 2 new menu entries at the top: Advanced, and Repository. Click on Repository and select Checkout:


You should now see a window like the one above. Make sure and fill out the Repository field with the correct CVSROOT content (refere to BiostatCvs for more info). Make sure to fill out the Module field with rreport. Leave the Branch Tag field empty. For the Working Directory field, I have chosen to place the checked out rreport module in /home/hornerjr. When I click the OK button, Cervisia will creat the directory /home/hornerjr/rreport. You can choose another working directory by clicking on the ... button . Once you're done, click OK.

Now, your're probably thinking that the above action didn't work, since nothing changed. However it did work. You now have to instruct Konqueror to open the newly created rreport folder (or directory, same thing). On the left-hand pane, scroll down and find where you placed rreport. Once you've found it, you should see the following:


Congratultations! You have successfully checked out the rreport module. Now, just use your favorite editor to make your modifications. Once you're done, right click on the file you were editing and select the Commit entry. This will bring up another window for you to write a CVS Log Entry. Click OK when you're done.

Additional Notes

  • You can find additional CVS functionality by clicking on the Advanced and Repository menues at the top of Konqueror. Also, right click on any file or directory within the module and you will find more CVS functionality.
  • If you want to use an existing Xemacs invocation for editing, you can have cervisia open a new Xemacs buffer for editing. Click on Settings ... Configure Cervisia and under Editor type gnuclient -q.
  • Cervisia, by default, does not update files recursively. This means that files within subfolders of a project will not be updated. There are a couple of solutions to try before running an update.
    • On the menu bar, under Settings, select Update Recursively.
    • You can select all of the files/folders at once by clicking on the first file in a project and dragging the mouse to the last file. You may need to click the + sign beside all folders to extend to subfolders.

If you have any questions about this tutorial or need more explanation, please contact JeffreyHorner.
Topic revision: r4 - 27 Apr 2004, ColeBeck
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