How to check the "Release edit lock" option by default

As we're collaborating on twiki more, we're discovering that it's important for us to check the release edit lock option when editing a page. When we don't check the option, no one else can edit the page for an hour. There are times when that's appropriate, but those times are less common. It's a pain to have to remember to check that box every time you edit a page, but you can simply add the following code to the preferences section of your personal page and the box will be automatically checked for any page that you edit.
   * Set Release Edit Lock As Default
      * Set RELEASEEDITLOCKCHECKBOX = checked="checked".

A More Detailed Example:
Your personal page is the topic with your WikiName, e.g. my personal page is RobertGreevy. My preferences section now looks like this (note the above code is included).
__Personal Preferences (details in %TWIKIWEB%.TWikiVariables)__
   * Horizontal size of text edit box:
      * Set EDITBOXWIDTH = 70
   * Vertical size of text edit box:
      * Set EDITBOXHEIGHT = 17
   * Style of text edit box. =width: 99%= for full window width (default), =width: auto= to disable.
      * Set EDITBOXSTYLE = width: 99%
   * Optionally write protect your home page: (set it to your %TWIKIWEB%.WikiName)
      * Set ALLOWTOPICCHANGE = BiostatUsersGroup
   * Release Edit Default
      * Set RELEASEEDITLOCKCHECKBOX = checked="checked"

Feel free to cut and paste the above preferences into your page. Note these preferences will also restrict the editing of your page to the BiostatUsersGroup.
Topic revision: r2 - 01 Aug 2006, RobertGreevy
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