Administrative Assistant II

Grant Support

  • Biosketches
  • Other Support coordination

Department Training and Compliance assurance for staff

  • Ensure staff compliance
  • Human Subjects training
  • Staff effort certification training

Travel Coordination (for guest speakers, faculty and staff travelers...)

  • Spreadsheet to DA (monthly) with Travel Authorizations/Travel Expense Reports
  • Labeled envelope with TA for return of receipts - order special envelopes
  • Tracking of TAs to TERs to ensure no missing reports

Department meetings, Seminars, Retreats, Special Courses

  • Regression Modeling Strategies (RMS) course coordination -- train with Audrey
  • Send seminar speaker itinerary to speaker three days in advance with cc to DA
  • Tech support during all-dept meeting
  • Prepare all-dept mtg agenda; submit to DA one week in advance
  • Research presentation
  • Tech presentation by department chair
  • New Hires/Promotions
  • Arrange 2012 Supervisor retreat
  • Arrange 2012 Bus-Admin retreat
  • Faculty meetings - attend and takes notes to be submitted to DA within one to three days following meeting

Graphics Coordination

  • Poster printing
  • Train John as back up in poster printing
  • Organizational chart

Staff Recruitment and New Hire Support

Graduate Program Support (back-up)

Topic revision: r8 - 03 Feb 2014, NanaKwarteng
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