Good News

. Chris F. has had a statistical method paper accepted in Methods in Ecology and Evolution about estimating the population size of manatees! (Martin, J., J.A. Royle, B. Gardner, D.I. Mackenzie, C.J. Fonnesbeck and H.H. Edwards. 2011. Accounting for non-independent detection when estimating abundance of organisms with a Bayesian approach. Methods in Ecology and Evolution, in press.)

. Happy Birthday, Mario! He is ... too young to mention how old.

. Our graduate program will be discussed and voted on in Faculty Senate 3/3/2011 at 4:10 PM in 140 Frist Hall. A "yes" vote there will mean that graduate program is finally approved. Anyone is welcome to attend the meeting, we think.


. Much is going on in recruitment effort (both faculty and staff). Many of us will attend ENAR (3/20-23, Miami, FL), and we will screen candidates there.

. There will be multiple ads in AMSTAT News from our department (general one, BCC Manager, CBC Director).

. Search committee for the CBC Director has been formed, and the first meeting has been scheduled. If anyone has a recommendation, let Frank know.

. Welcome to Kelly Lu (Biostat II), who started 3/1/2011.

. Amy Graves (Biostat II) has accepted our offer and will start in the fall.

. Cole Beck, Audrey Carvajal, and Jing He have been promoted to CSAIII, AAII and CSAII respectively. Congratulations!!

. There have been a few staff reallocations. Notably, Hui Nian to Neurosurgery Coordinating Center, Wenli Wang to Silent Infarct Transfusion project.

. The Regression Modeling Strategies short course is scheduled for 3/9-3/11.About 50 people have signed up, including some from abroad.

. Supervisors’ meeting is scheduled for 3/31/11, 8 AM - noon, in 419 Light Hall. All supervisors, please attend.

. The Staff Biostatistician Retreat is being planned for May/June. Meridith Blevins and Pencheng Lu are taking charge.


CQI project. Sherry Stokes has volunteered to organize "Lunch with the Chair." So far, the luncheon meetings have been a great success.


. Publication Metrics committee has established the publication metrics to track performances of our department, and we need to execute and compute the metrics. Everyone needs to update his or her publication record in dbconnect. We will need to gather the journals' impact factors. Wenli Wang’s contributions have been invaluable. Dan Byrne will talk with Wenli about this year’s project and will ask Kelly Lu to get involved in the effort.

. The department survey was implemented earlier this year. It was an eight-question survey. Linda will compile and analyze results.

. Dan Ayers is leading the Adaptive Clinical Trial Committee in the CBC, and everyone is welcome to attend the bi-weekly meetings at 10:30 on Tuesday. The next meeting will be Tuesday, March 8, in 569 PRB. JoAnn, Ben, Chris F. are other key players.

. Genetics Interest Group meeting will be held the last week of March, and the topic will be "Odds are it's wrong" (,_Its_Wrong). Anyone interested is welcome.

Growth & Finance

. Fiscal Year 2012 annual budget was submitted on 2/11/11, and we anticipate no difficulties getting approval.

. The BCC is stabilizing and thriving. Staff are doing a great job inputting hours.

Best regards,

CQI Communications Team

Frank Harrell, Yu Shyr, Dan Byrne, Linda Stewart, Tatsuki Koyama, Lynne Berry, and Yvonne Poindexter

-- JohnBock - 01 Apr 2011
Topic revision: r1 - 01 Apr 2011, JohnBock

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