Bryan Shepherd, PhD


Vice Chair of Faculty Affairs

Phone: 615-343-3496
Fax: 615-343-4924
Office: 2525 West End, 11124
Vanderbilt University School of Medicine
Department of Biostatistics
2525 West End, Suite 11000
Nashville, TN 37203

Research Interests

  • causal inference
  • observational data analysis
  • ordinal data analysis
  • applications in HIV and other infectious diseases
  • global health

Curriculum Vitae

CV (last updated April 2019)

Some Methods Papers

Liu Q, Li C, Wanga V, Shepherd BE. Covariate-adjusted Spearman's rank correlation with probability-scale residuals. Biometrics 2018; 74: 595-605. paper; code

Liu Q, Shepherd BE, Li C, Harrell FE. Modeling continuous response variables using ordinal regression. Statistics in Medicine 2017; 36: 4316-4335. paper; code

Shepherd BE, Li C, and Liu Q. Probability-scale residuals for continuous, discrete, and censored data. Canadian Journal of Statistics 2016; 44: 463-479. paper; code

Shepherd BE, Liu Q, Mercaldo N, Jenkins CA, Lau B, Cole SR, Saag MS, Sterling TR. Comparing results from two methods for estimating when to start antiretroviral therapy. Statistics in Medicine 2016; 35: 4335-4351. paper

Shepherd BE, Blevins M, Vaz LME, Moon TD, Kipp AM, Jose E, Ferreira FG, Vermund SH (2013). Impact of definitions of loss to follow-up on estimates of retention, disease progression, and mortality: Applications to an HIV program in Mozambique. American Journal of Epidemiology 178: 819-828. paper; code.

Gilbert PB, Shepherd BE, Hudgens MG (2013). Sensitivity analysis of per-protocol time-to-event treatment efficacy in randomized clinical trials. Journal of the American Statistical Association 108: 789-800. paper; code.

Lu X, Mehrotra DV, Shepherd BE (2013). Rank-based principal stratum sensitivity analyses. Statistics in Medicine 32: 4526-4539. abstract; code.

Li C, Shepherd BE (2012). A new residual for ordinal outcomes. Biometrika 99: 473-480. paper.

Shepherd BE, Shaw PA, Dodd LE (2012). Using audit information to adjust parameter estimates for data errors in clinical trials. Clinical Trials 9: 721-729. paper, Supplementary Material, code. The published version can be found at Clinical Trials.

Shepherd BE, Yu C (2011). Accounting for data errors discovered from an audit in multiple linear regression. Biometrics 67: 1083-1091. code; paper; supplementary material. The published version can be found at Biometrics

Shepherd BE, Gilbert PB, Dupont CT (2011). Sensitivity analyses comparing time-to-event outcomes only existing in a subset selected postrandomization and relaxing monotonicity. Biometrics 67: 1100-1110. code; paper; supplementary material; web animation. The published version can be found at Biometrics

Li C, Shepherd BE (2010). Test of association between two ordinal variables while adjusting for covariates. Journal of the American Statistical Association 105: 612--620. code; paper- the published version can be found at Journal of the American Statistical Association

Shepherd BE, Jenkins CA, Rebeiro PF, Stinnette SE, Bebawy SS, McGowan CC, Hulgan T, Sterling TR (2010). Estimating the optimal CD4 count for HIV-infected patients to start antiretroviral therapy. Epidemiology 21:698--705. code; paper; supplementary material- the published version can be found at Epidemiology

Shepherd BE, Redman MW, Ankerst DP (2008). Does finasteride affect the severity of prostate cancer? A causal sensitivity analysis. Journal of the American Statistical Association 484: 1392--1404. code; paper - the published version can be found at Journal of the American Statistical Association

Shepherd BE (2008). The cost of checking proportional hazards. Statistics in Medicine 27: 1248--1260. code; paper - this is a preprint of an article published in Statistics in Medicine.

Shepherd BE, Gilbert PB, Lumley T (2007). Sensitivity analyses comparing time-to-event outcomes existing only in a subset selected postrandomization. Journal of the American Statistical Association 102, 573-582. paper. The published version can be found at Journal of the American Statistical Association

Shepherd BE, Gilbert PB, Mehrotra D (2007). Eliciting a Counterfactual Sensitivity Parameter. The American Statistician 102, 573-582. paper. The published version can be found at The American Statistician

Shepherd BE, Gilbert PB, Jemiai Y, Rotnitzky A (2006). Sensitivity analyses comparing outcomes only existing in a subset selected post-randomization, conditional on covariates, with application to HIV vaccine trials. Biometrics 62, 332-342. paper The published version can be found at Biometrics

Web Applications

sensitivityPStrat: R package that performs sensitivity analyses to assess treatment effects within principal strata.

BootstrapProportionalHazards: Bootstraps the check and correction of the proportional hazards assumption

HIVSurvivalPrediction: Predicts ADE-free survival probability for patients initiating HAART

hiv-example-data.csv: Artificial HIV data for example analyses

ComparingWhenToStart: R script used to compare two different approaches for estimating when to start HIV therapy

DataValidationMethods: Web page for Data Validation Methods

Archived Analyses



CourseBios341 (Introduction to Probability and Statistical Theory)


Old Photo

This was the photo gracing my website from 2005-2017. Sadly, people said I don't look like the guy in the photo anymore, and my daughter is now 15 years old! So I switched photos, although I'm keeping it here for sentimental reasons.

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