Lighting Talks

Name Start time point
Meridith Blevins 3:10
Jeffrey Blume 5:40
Rameela Chandrasekhar 8:20
Heidi Chen 12:15
Cindy Chen 14:50
Leena Choi 17:10
Mario Davidson 19:45
Chris Fonnesbeck 21:50
Tebeb Gebretsadik 23:45
Robert Greevy 26:00
Hakmook Kang 28:30
Tatsuki Koyama 29:50
Dandan Lui 32:00
Jonathan Schildcrout 34:00
Bryan Shepherd 36:25
Matt Shotwell 38:40
Yu Shyr 40:20
Chris Slaughter 42:50
Thomas Stewart 45:05
ZhengZheng Tang 46:40
Pingsheng Wu 49:05
Yaomin Xu 52:00
Chang Yu 54:55
Yuwei Zhu 58:40

Topic revision: r2 - 18 Oct 2016, DalePlummer
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