Materials for Yu Shyr

Important Components of ASA Nomination Guidelines for Letters of Support | ASA Fellows Home Page

  • Letters of support are generally the most important input to the committee's assessment. Nominators need to obtain convincing letters of support for the nomination from qualified individuals.
  • To be effective, a letter should describe the nominee's specific accomplishments, and their impact, based on the writer's personal knowledge. Letters should support the principal points made in the nominator’s narrative recommendation, or other points with which the nominator is not familiar. To be most helpful to the Committee, statements asserting the importance of a particular accomplishment or piece of work should include an informative explanation of why it is influential.
  • It is beneficial to demonstrate that the statistical contributions have been influential (not just responsive and useful) and can make a persuasive explanation for their judgment.
  • The most effective letters of support are direct, but specific. Assertions about the importance of a particular accomplishment should be accompanied by evidence of its impact, where possible. On the other hand, overly expansive discussions tend to detract from the persuasiveness of a letter. In any case, each letter of support is limited to two pages.
  • Supporting statements and CV may be retrieved from the bottom of this web page.
  • The Supporting Statements will be very helpful to you in writing your letter.
  • Address the heading of the support letter to Committee on Fellows, American Statistical Association. Do not include a mailing address in the addressee field.
  • Letters of Support should be sent to the Nominator who is responsible for including the support letters in the nomination package. (Copies or Faxes of letters are acceptable).
    • Beginning in 2010, supporting letters are submitted electronically by the nominator, as pdf attachments containing your letterhead. The preferred approach is to e-mail a signed pdf attachment to
    • Otherwise, please send a scannable hard copy to
      Frank E Harrell Jr
      Vanderbilt University School of Medicine
      S-2323 MCN 2158
      Nashville TN 37232-2637
    • Express mail address is
      FE Harrell
      Department of Biostatistics
      S-2323 Medical Center North
      1161 21st Ave S
      Vanderbilt University Medical Center
      Nashville TN 37232-2158
    • Please send by 26 Feb 2010 at the very latest
  • Important! Do Not mail/send a support letter to ASA independently of the nomination package. Supporting letters that are received at the ASA office independently of the nomination package are not guaranteed to be review by the Committee on Fellows.

Draft Citation

Yu Shyr, Professor of Biostatistics, Vanderbilt University School of Medicine: For excellence in leading biostatistical efforts in numerous areas of medical research, particularly in oncology, for excellence in teaching and mentoring, for developing new statistical methodology for analysis of high-dimensional data, and for service to the profession.
I Attachment Action Size Date Who Comment
SupportingStatements.pdfpdf SupportingStatements.pdf manage 37 K 12 Feb 2010 - 11:22 FrankHarrell Supporting Statements
TeachingEvals.pdfpdf TeachingEvals.pdf manage 133 K 12 Feb 2010 - 10:48 FrankHarrell Teaching Evaluations from MPH and MSCI students (physicians)
Topic revision: r5 - 27 Apr 2017, DalePlummer
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