
Public Members

  • bool ShowRaw - get/set to indicate whether raw data is displayed
  • bool ShowBaseline - get/set to indicate whether baseline data is displayed
  • bool ShowBaseCurve - get/set to indicate whether baseline curve is displayed
  • bool ShowDenoised - get/set to indicate whether denoised data is displayed
  • bool ShowPeaks - get/set to indicate whether peaks are displayed
  • bool ShowCentroids - get/set to indicate whether centroids are displayed
  • bool ShowBins - get/set to indicate whether bins are displayed
  • RectF ZoomRegion - the rectangle, in real coordinates, that represents the current view of the panel
  • int ResFactor - the resolution factor of the picture, that is, how much information to leave out while sampling points

Protected Members

  • SpectraDataCollection SpectraCollection

Public Methods

  • SetSpectraVisiblity(string SpectraName, bool isVisible) - set visibility of given spectra.

Protected Methods

  • PointF RealToWindow(float x, float y) - returns a point in window coordinates based on the real coordinates.
    • If either x or y are off the window, that dimension should be translated into float.Infinity or float.NegativeInfinity in the returned point.

  • PointF WindowToReal(float x, float y) - returns the indicated point from the window coordinate system to the 'real' system.
    • Any points outside the ZoomRegion should be just set to the boundary of the ZoomRegion.

  • PointF[] GetRangedPoints(SpectraData spectra, SpectraData.DisplayableTypes type)- returns a set of points less than or equal to the number of points that exist in the SpectraData for that DisplayableType for faster graphical processing
    1. Have a "range size" based on total range represented by the window / (actual pixels available * resolution factor)
    2. If range size > value (to be determined based on experimenting) return all points within window range
    3. Try to find a point in the middle of this range for the spectra to display
      • If no point is available, grab next point in sucession
      • If next point is greater than the median value of the next range, skip next range
      • Skip as many ranges as necessary
    4. Return 'valid points'


  • "real coordinates" refer to coordinates as given from the data. "window coordinates" refer to the real coordinates as translated on to the current window

Topic revision: r2 - 02 May 2005, NimishGautam
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