red content are potential problems are found
  • Purpose : testing WFCCM2 regularly to ensure that problems are found and dealt with.
  • Methods
    • functional testing: test particular functions or code modules
    • integration testing: testing functionallity of combined parts (overall) of WFCCM
  • Data Set (working folder research drive \WFCCM2_Testing )
    • black data set
      • a data set with pure random values
      • a data set that with extreme values
    • white data set (data sets that have been analyzed)
      • an AUC data set
      • a Zero data set
  • Tasks
      • priority : visualization (functionallity, state files ....)
      • others

Testing report

  • report 1 (Nov. 1): (per an Investigator's request) visualzation is able to display an averaged data set with more than 2 groups according to their unique column id. However, we may need make it be able to load groups with duplicate columns and use same color to display each group.
    • ex: in average data, we have three columns belong to three groups, let's say stage1 stage2, and stage3. If we have total 5 columns in the average data set, 2 of them are stage1, 2 of them are stage2, we should able to display 5 curves but only have three colors.
    • status: done

Testing Checklist (based on VS 2005 and .NET 2.0)

    • DONE data loading : logged and unlogged data sets (AUC, Zero, Microarray(with missing))
    • DONE data grouping : regular 2 groups, irreglar groups
    • DONE score generation: result,load score, add score, save a score
    • criterial: addDONE, loadDONE, removeDONE, STD functionDONE, PreFilter, percentage for data

    • distance run : result, progress bar, topN and cutoff
    • DONE cluster
    • DONE ballgraph
    • DONE ROC curve
    • visualzation
      • all buttons
      • winner panel
      • DONE box plot
    • DONE Option labelDONE
    • DONE state file
    • DONE quality control
    • corss validation
    • overall performance

problems found

  • it can not open to view some score files through application if there are too many features/genes in the data set, however scores are able to be generated and saved , and could be viewed in local (fixed DONE)
  • ROC
    • no ROC generated when cutoff with mutiple numPass
    • ROC curve can not be displayed (fixed DONE)
    • Do we need change the way of ROC to show up to make it consistent with cluster and ballgraph? use click prediction model instead of going "view"? (fixed DONE)
    • error occurs when launching ROC with 1 winner (fixed DONE )
    • does testing set need ROC also?
  • Cluster
    • cluster node can not be removed from tree (fixed DONE)
    • exception occurs when trying generate with top1 or top2 run
    • gene tree should move to the left side, array tree should move to the top; or at least the way of gene tree lable need to be change, therefore, these lables is still readble after rotation.
  • logical of score generation of log10 data set ??? (need ask Will)

Testing folder

Topic revision: r20 - 14 Dec 2005, JoanZhang
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