web page implementation


  • project info input, view, deletion
  • user info input, view, deletion
  • load project data
    • logic flow chart for loading sequence
  • view project data (some of them)
  • database access component: operation functions to simplify access database
  • AJAX components?


  • inc
    • database access component -- class mySQL
      • class constructor mySQL ($server, $user, $pass, $bPersist)
      • function query($queryString, $getresult = true)
      • function num_rows()
      • function num_fields()
      • function result($row, $field)
      • function field_name($field)
      • function insert($tableName,$values)
      • function update($tableName,$update,$where)
      • function delete($tableName, $where)
      • function select($field,$tableName,$join=0,$where=0,$orderBy=0)
    • other functions

  • pages
    • page template (menu, form)
    • login
    • project
    • user
    • load project (data) (new project)
      • Initial
      • Load
      • Confirm
    • manage project / project set up
    • display data

  • Meeting 12/19/05 Conclusions
    • Session Variables:
      • All Database Objects
      • Project ID
      • Variables for Image Drawing
        • maxIntensity
        • min Intensity
        • etc...
    • sessionVars.php : session variables file to be included in all main webViz page.
    • Moved everyone over to Subversion for source control
    • Class/Data types for webViz:
      • Average Curves -Haojie
      • Bins -Haojie
      • FDA -Haojie
      • Boxplot -Joe
      • Comparison -Joe
      • Scores -Joe
      • Winner List -Haojie
      • Criterion -Haojie
    • Returned XML Standards:
      • Type
      • Name
      • Image
  • Change to Data File
    • We currently do not store the Mass/ID pairs anywhere. Considering appending them into the score file.
  • Current Design
    • JavaScript
    • WebViz: this is the main vizTool object, the main entry point for the viz tool program. It will handle all of the communication between its children.
      • Viz: this object is the controler of the actual visualization part of the viz tool and the interface for interacting with the graphic. It is concerned with vizualizing the data only. It currently knows only the min and max X and Y scales of the object it is vizualizing.
        • MoveControler: This was created to separate out the movement part of the Viz object. This child controls the movement of the div on which the vizualization is being drawn. Work already begun
        • Pane: this object was craeted to separate out the tiles and displaying them. This child controls only the images on the div and their relative position to the actual object the viz tool is drawing. Work already begun
        • ImageControl: This object will control the images creating on setting for the viz tool. Preliminary work: needs to be designed
      • Info: this object will control the information about the vizualized object. No work done: needs to be designed

    • PHP
      • User Interface: currently there is no user unterface for getting from the projects to the viz tool itself. No work done: needs to be designed


  • PHP
  • Java Script
  • XML
Topic revision: r7 - 31 Jan 2006, JoeZachary
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