New guidelines for VICTR biostat support application (effective September, 2017)

  • All biostatistics vouchers will be for 'up to $5000'. This is sufficient to cover up to about 90 hours of collaboration, depending on the level of expertise required.
  • To be eligible to apply for a biostatistics voucher, the PI must present at a biostatistics clinic on a Monday, Wednesday or Thursday when a VICTR biostatistician is present. The VICTR biostatistician will then work with the PI to develop the protocol for the voucher request.
  • All PIs should consider presenting at a biostatistics clinic as early in the process as possible. Not only does this provide feedback on the experimental design and analysis plan before the project has matured beyond the stage when it can be refined, but it can help to ensure the biostatistical collaboration can be accomplished without exceeding the voucher framework.
  • A voucher is usually sufficient to support one straightforward project. Investigators attempting to combine multiple projects, undertake complex projects, or to prepare multiple manuscripts are likely to exceed a voucher-supported collaboration. A biostatistics clinic can help a PI to get feedback on how to keep a project straightforward.
  • Please note that all biostatistics vouchers will undergo scientific review (expedited) by a VICTR scientific reviewer as well as biostatistical reviewer.
  • Only one voucher will be awarded per PI per year, and a single project can only get support once.
  • VICTR vouchers are valid for one year from the date of award. After this time, a new voucher will need to be requested if further biostatistical support is needed.
  • If the amount of time spent on a collaboration exceeds 80 hours, the investigator's academic unit head will be asked to provide a letter of support confirming funding is available should the time requirement exceed 90 hours. If additional funding is not secured, the remaining effort will be applied towards documenting the analysis to date, and preparing the datasets, analysis code and any reports for hand off to the investigator.
Topic revision: r8 - 25 Oct 2018, ChrisLindsell
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