Biostatistics Weekly Seminar

Long-term effects of DAA treatment in HIV and HCV co-infected individuals: what questions remain and how best to answer them?

Sara Lodi, PhD
Associate Professor of Biostatistics
Boston University School of Public Heath

Treatment with direct antiviral agents (DAA) is highly effective at curing Hepatitis C virus (HCV) infection in HCV mono-infected and HIV-HCV co-infected individuals. However, its long-term effects on hepatic and extra-hepatic morbidity and HCV reinfection are still unknown. Observational data collected in routine clinical practice provide a unique opportunity to monitor post-DAA outcomes in large and heterogenous populations. I will discuss some methodological challenges in estimating the long-term effect of DAA treatment, particularly when the outcome is a biomarker. I will illustrate how the target trial approach and causal inference methods can guide the choice of the study design and statistical analyses and lead to meaningful and interpretable findings.

Hybrid: Meeting Room and Zoom Link to Follow
03 May 2023

Speaker Itinerary

Topic revision: r1 - 28 Mar 2023, CierraStreeter
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