SMUG: Somatic MUtation Gleaner

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Program: SMUG.tgz. To uncompress, type tar zxf SMUG.tgz.


Somatic Mutation Gleaner (SMUG) was developed to effectively detect base substitutions and loss of heterozygosity (LOH) using next-generation sequencing data for normal and tumor tissues. It first screens bam files using walker programs (modules we developed to run under GATK), and then summarizes the results using Perl scripts. Here is a brief description of the algorithms used by SMUG.

Detection of base substitutions: For each patient, we screen the genome for sites that are homozygous in the normal sample and have variants in the tumor sample. To adjust for depth variation, an empirical Bayes (EB) estimate of tumor variant rate is calculated. To minimize the effect of sequencing/alignment errors, the tumor EB-adjusted rate is further adjusted using the normal sample variant rate as baseline. (A site may be called homozygous with a high GQ in the normal sample and heterozygous with a high GQ in the tumor sample when both samples appear to carry similar fractions of variant alleles.)

The results will be consolidated across patients. The user can control how much to output. For example, the user may choose to output sites with mutants in at least two patients. Please see below for details.

Detection of LOH: For each patient, we screen the genome for sites that are heterozygous in the normal sample and have a significant departure from 50:50 in allele counts in the tumor sample. An LOH score is calculated for such a site. An LOH region is defined to be a region containing contiguous sites with high LOH scores. The user can specify the criteria for defining an LOH region. Please see below for details.

Song Z, Long J, He J, Shi J, Shu XO, Cai Q, Zheng W, Li C (2012) Efficient detection of tumor somatic mutations using next-generation sequencing data. (to be submitted)

Chun Li: Zhuo Song:

I. Installation

Please follow the steps blow to download and build GATK and SMUG.

  1. Make sure you have installed JDK, Ant, and Git.
  2. Create a GATK folder and download GATK source from its Git repository.
    mkdir GATK
    git clone git:// GATK
  3. Download SMUG source.
    tar xzf SMUG.tgz
  4. Copy the SMUG_walkers folder to the GATK walker folder.
    cp -r SMUG/SMUGwalkers/ GATK/public/java/src/org/broadinstitute/sting/gatk/walkers/
  5. Build the SMUG walkers and GATK from source code. SMUG has been tested on GATK version 1.6-2-gc2b74ec (05/02/2012).
    cd GATK
    git checkout 1.6-2-gc2b74ec
    ant clean

Note: As GATK's API is under active development, our program may not work with the latest version of GATK. The git checkout command ensures the posted version of SMUG can run successfully. To update GATK if you already have a clone of GATK:

git pull

If you experience problems running GATK after updating via git pull, try cleaning your clone and recompiling GATK following step 5 above.

II. Running SMUG walkers

The SMUG program contains three GATK walkers, two Perl scripts, and an R program. The Perl scripts and R program will be explained in sections III and IV. The walkers are:
  • SMUG_BaseSub: for detection of base substitutions
  • SMUG_LOH: for detection of LOH
  • SMUG: for detection of both base substitutions and LOH. If the user wants both detections, the SMUG walker is recommended as it will save the total running time.

NOTE: A walker needs to be run separately for each patient.

  • To display help messages for the walkers:

java -jar GATK/dist/GenomeAnalysisTK.jar -T SMUG -h
java -jar GATK/dist/GenomeAnalysisTK.jar -T SMUG_BaseSub -h
java -jar GATK/dist/GenomeAnalysisTK.jar -T SMUG_LOH -h


-R,--reference_sequence             reference sequence file
-I,--input_file                     list of SAM or BAM files (see below)
-D,--dbsnp                          dbSNP file; optional but recommended
-o,--out                            log file; default to screen
-smT,--SampleName_Tumor             sample ID of tumor tissue; it is the SN
                                    tag in sam/bam files
-smN,--SampleName_Normal            sample ID of normal tissue; it is the SN
                                    tag in sam/bam files
-typeT,--SampleType_Tumor           sample type of tumor tissue, user defined
                                    name for tumor sample, default = 'Tumor'
-typeN,--SampleType_Normal          sample type of normal tissue, user defined
                                    name for normal sample, default = 'Normal'
-minBQ,--minBaseQ                   minimum base quality, default = 20
-minMQ,--minMappingQ                minimum mapping quality, default = 20
-minAllN,--minAllAlleles_Normal     minimum base count in Normal sample after 
                                    filtering by BQ and MQ, default = 10
-minAllT,--minAllAlleles_Tumor      minimum base count in Tumor sample after 
                                    filtering by BQ and MQ, default = 5
-minRestT,--minMinorAlleles_Tumor   minimum total base count for the minor
                                    alleles in Tumor sample after filtering
                                    by BQ and MQ, default = 2;
                                    Not applicable to the SMUG_LOH walker
-minHRT,--minHeteroRate_Tumor       minimun fraction of minor alleles in Tumor
                                    sample (RestT/AllT), default = 0.1;
                                    Not applicable to the SMUG_LOH walker
-stand_call_conf                    minimum confidence for genotype calling
                                    (genotyping quality, GQ), default = 30

In addition, some arguments of GATK UnifiedGenotypers can also be specified (please consult GATK documentations for details). For example, if the user wants to run our walkers only on a few regions, the -L option can be used:
-L,--intervals <intervals>

Detailed explanations of the options:
  • All options except -D are required, but most of them have default values if unspecified. Although -D is optional, it is highly recommended.
  • The file for the -I option contains the path to bam/sam files, one file per line. The order of files is not important as long as there are data matching normal and tumor sample IDs specified by the options -smN and -smT.
  • Once GATK finishes pileup of all reads from bam files, it will stratify reads based on the SN tag (sample ID). Then SMUG calls the following built-in function to process the data: AlignmentContextUtils.splitContextBySampleName(context, sampleID)
  • The options -typeN and -typeT are defined by the user, the default values are "Normal" and "Tumor". They can be any string without space to help the user to describe the data. They will be used as part of the output file names to easy identification of files.

Example command

java -jar GATK/dist/GenomeAnalysisTK.jar -T SMUG \
  -R         human_b36_male.fa \
  -D:VCF     dbsnp_132.b36.vcf \
  -I         normal_and_tumor_samples_bam.list \
  -o         SMUG.txt \
  -smN       normal_sample_ID \
  -smT       tumor_sample_ID \
  -typeN     Normal \
  -typeT     Tumor \
  -minBQ     20 \
  -minMQ     20 \
  -minAllN   10 \
  -minAllT   10 \
  -minRestT  2 \
  -minHRT    0.01

Log file

The log file specified through -o contains the information on parameter values, result files, and number of loci reported. If the user does not specify -o, the information will be printed to the screen. Here is an example log file:

Output of the SMUG_BaseSub walker

The SMUG_BaseSub walker will generate result files for further analysis by the script (see section III). The file names will follow the following pattern:

  • "smN"."typeN"."smT"."typeT".ToAnalyzeBaseSub.txt

Here is an example result file of the SMUG_BaseSub walker:

It has 17 columns:
loc            chr:position
rsID           rs# or '.'
ref            reference allele
gt_N           normal genotype: '.' no call, '%' no variation, 'N/N'
               (N=A,C,G,T), * means ref
gt_T           tumor genotype
gtQ_N          normal genotype quality, -10 means '.', -100 means '%'
gtQ_T          tumor genotype quality, -10 means '.', -100 means '%'
N_hR           normal variant rate
T_hR           tumor variant rate
N_hR_C         normal variant rate in 'variant count/all allele count' format
T_hR_C         tumor variant rate in 'variant count/all allele count' format
N_aC           normal sample base counts: a;c;g;t
T_aC           tumor sample base counts: a;c;g;t
N_+-           normal sample base counts by strand: a+,a-;c+,c-;g+,g-;t+,t-
T_+-           tumor sample base counts by strand: a+,a-;c+,c-;g+,g-;t+,t-
N_filtered     normal sample read counts with format
               for example: 5QC011(Normal):94->92=(57+,35-), meaning
               sample '5QC011' has 94 reads covering the site, 92
               passing MQ/BQ filtering (57 on '+', 35 on '-' strand)
T_filtered     tumor sample read counts

Note that some columns may have information overlap.

Output of the SMUG_LOH walker

The SMUG_LOH walker will generate result files for further analysis by the script (see section IV). The file names will follow the following pattern:

  • "smN"."typeN"."smT"."typeT".ToAnalyzeLOH.txt

Here is an example result file of the SMUG_LOH walker:

It has 16 columns:

loc            chr:position
rsID           rs# or '.'
ref            reference allele
gt_N           normal genotype: '.' no call, '%' no variation, 'N/N'
               (N=A,C,G,T), * means ref
gt_T           tumor genotype
gtQ_N          normal genotype quality, -10 means '.', -100 means '%'
gtQ_T          tumor genotype quality, -10 means '.', -100 means '%'
LOH_Score      LOH score for this site
N_aC           normal sample base counts: a;c;g;t
T_aC           tumor sample base counts: a;c;g;t
T_Major_aC     major allele counts in tumor sample
T_Minor_aC     minor allele counts in tumor sample
N_+-           normal sample base counts by strand: a+,a-;c+,c-;g+,g-;t+,t-
T_+-           tumor sample base counts by strand: a+,a-;c+,c-;g+,g-;t+,t-
N_filtered     normal sample read counts with format
               for example: 5QC011(Normal):94->92=(57+,35-), meaning
               sample '5QC011' has 94 reads covering the site, 92
               passing MQ/BQ filtering (57 on '+', 35 on '-' strand)
T_filtered     tumor sample read counts

III. Running

The script does the following:
  • Read in the SMUG_BaseSub output files (*.ToAnalyzeBaseSub.txt).
  • For each patient, keep the sites qualifying the criteria specified by the user.
  • For each patient, calculate the empirical Bayes (EB) estimates (alpha and beta) using selected sites in tumor data, and apply the EB-adjustment to both tumor and normal tissue data. (This step is performed using the R program SMUG_BaseSub.EB.R).
  • Summarize statistics for all sites cross all patients, and report them. The sites are ordered by the 'sumDiff' statistic (sum across patients of the differences between EB-adjusted tumor and normal rates (see section V for details on file format). As the result file is a text file, the user can easily sort the sites using other criteria.

Arguments for

-L         file containing names of SMUG_BaseSub output files, one on each line
-restEB    minimum number of alternative alleles for EB parameter estimation,
           default = 3
-allEB     minimum depth for EB parameter estimation, default = 10
-nVote     minimum number of patients carrying base substitution, default = 2
-restT     minimum number of alternative alleles in Tumor for reporting,
           default = 2
-allT      minimum depth in Tumor for reporting, default = 10
-maxT_hR   maximum tumor variant rate, default = 0.9

The -maxT_hR option is for filtering out sites with very high tumor variants rate. These are likely due to alignment artifacts rather than real mutations.

The -restEB and -allEB options are for estimating the EB-parameters alpha and beta. We have found the default values work well for our data.

Example command to run

perl -L BaseSub.list \
  -restEB 3 -allEB 10 \
  -nVote 2 \
  -restT 2 -allT 10

Output files of

There is a main output file (one file for all patients) with file name following the pattern:

  • "L".nVote."nVote".EB."restEB"."allEB".ThR"maxT_hR".Tumor."restT"."allT".txt

Here is an example result file:

It has 8 columns plus one column for each patient:

loc              chr:position
rsID             rs# or '.'
samples          No. of samples supporting this site as somatic mutated
sumDiff          sum of differences between empirical Bayes adjusted 
                 tumor and normal variation rates
sum%             sum of percentage of top positions of supporting samples
meanDiff         mean of differences between empirical Bayes adjusted 
                 tumor and normal variation rates, = sumDiff/samples
mean%            sum of percentage of top positions of supporting samples,
                 = meanDiff/samples
gt.N->gt.T       genotype of normal -> genotype of tumor, could be multiple 
                 pairs and sperated with ';'
P1.N->T          patient 1: a,c,g,t of Normal -> a,c,g,t of Tumor; counts are 
                 after MQ and BQ filtering; if the sample doesn't support the 
                 site as somatic mutated, then '-'
...              additional patients

In addition, there are three intermediate files for each patient. Their file names follow the patterns:

  • "smN"."typeN"."smT"."typeT".ToAnalyzeBaseSub.txt.EB."restEB"."allEB".ThR"maxT_hR".inputEB
  • "smN"."typeN"."smT"."typeT".ToAnalyzeBaseSub.txt.EB."restEB"."allEB".ThR"maxT_hR".R_re
  • "smN"."typeN"."smT"."typeT".ToAnalyzeBaseSub.txt.EB."restEB"."allEB".ThR"maxT_hR".Tumor."restT"."allT".txt

IV. Running

The script does the following:
  • Read in a SMUG_LOH output file.
  • Identify LOH regions.
This script needs to be run for every patient.

Arguments for

-f         a SMUG_LOH output file (*.ToAnalyzeLOH.txt)
-minLOH    minimum LOH score for LOH region detection, default = 30
-minSNPs   minimum number of continuous SNPs required to define a 
           LOH region, default = 2

Example command to run

perl -f 1055QC0011.Normal.1055QC0031.Tumor.ToAnalyzeLOH.txt \
  -minLOH 30.0 \
  -minSNPs 2

Output files of

There is one output file for each patient, with file name following the pattern:

  • "smN"."tpeN"."smT"."typeT".ToAnalyzeLOH.txt.LOH."minLOH".SNPs."minSNPs".txt

Here is an example result file:

It has 3 columns:

region           chr:startPosition-endPosition
nSNPs            Number of contiguous sites supporting the region
regionLength     length of region in bp
Topic revision: r9 - 02 May 2012, ChunLi
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