R Package Bug Reports

  • If you have a bug to report about one of our R packages, go to the Github repository for that package and click on Issues
  • Provide a self-contained minimal example that causes the failure, using simulated data (see example below)
  • Include the output of the version object and make sure you include the version of the package being used

Example Simulated Data

n <- 20 set.seed(1) x1 <- runif(n) x2 <- factor(sample(c('cat', 'dog', 'giraffe'), n, TRUE) # Or: set.seed(1) d <- expand.grid(x1=c('A', 'B'), x2=c('a', 'b', 'c')) d$y <- runif(nrow(d))
Topic revision: r5 - 23 Nov 2013, FrankHarrell
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