JGR provides a GUI for R, and can be used on the Linux OS. See the JGR site.

How to install JGR

  1. Download the necessary files
  2. Install Sun's Java JDK 5.0 (which is really 1.5)
  3. Set the JAVA_HOME environment variable
  4. Install three R packages: JGR, JavaGD, rJava
  5. Uncompress JGR source code and cd into the directory
  6. Configure JGR's Makefile.linux to point to R and Java
  7. Run make
  8. The executable run should start JGR

Essentially, use the following commands:

su -
cd /usr/local
scp -r template@biostat.mc.vanderbilt.edu:jgr .
export JAVA_HOME='/usr/local/jdk1.5.0_06'
cd jgr
R CMD INSTALL JGR_0.1-9.tar.gz
R CMD INSTALL JavaGD_0.2-1.tar.gz
R CMD INSTALL rJava_0.3-2.tar.gz
cd /usr/local
tar zxvf jgr/JGR-1.3.tar.gz
rm -rf jgr
cd JGR
emacs Makefile.linux

I recommend creating a file to put in /usr/local/bin to automatically run the executable for you.
cat /usr/local/bin/jgr
cd /usr/local/JGR


JGR has some usability issues:
  • Inability to cancel multi-line commands that are partially submitted to R.
  • Cannot use the up or down arrow keys to edit multi-line commands because the up and down keys cycle through your command history. Instead use other keyboard navigation and/or the mouse.
Topic revision: r6 - 01 Mar 2006, ColeBeck
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