Work environment phrases for practicing intonation

  • correlation coefficient
  • treatment group
  • point one (.1)
  • odds ratio
  • zero point one (0.1)
  • power calculation
  • Medical Arts Building
  • case control study
  • independent case control study
  • parameter definition
  • graphics in SAS or graphics in R ?
  • sample size calculation
  • rounding issue
  • Medical Center North
  • an R graph
  • It's hard to say
  • our method
  • It's the same idea
  • Our method works well
  • user interface
  • multiple comparison
  • regression coefficients
  • multiple choice test
  • type one error
  • zero point three four nine (0.349)
  • hypothesis / hypothetical (these two are hard)
Topic revision: r5 - 17 Mar 2006, SvetlanaEden
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