Qingxia (Cindy) Chen, PhD

Professor and Vice Chair for Education, Department of Biostatistics

Biomedical Informatics, and Ophthalmology & Visual Sciences

Picture of Qingxia Chen
E-mail: cindy dot chen at vumc.org
Office: 2525 West End, Ste. 11126
Vanderbilt University School of Medicine
Department of Biostatistics
2525 West End, Ste. 11126
Nashville, TN 37203-2158

Research Interests

Dr. Chen's research encompasses both innovative statistical research and impactful biomedical research. Her statistical research currently centers around several key areas, including missing data, survival analysis, Bayesian methods, and penalized approaches. Additionally, she is dedicated to the development of statistical methods specifically designed to analyze multimodal data in precision medicine, such as survey data, electronic health records (EHRs), genetics information, and mobile data. Notably, she has been actively involved in the All of Us Research Program (https://allofus.nih.gov/), contributing her expertise to advance precision medicine initiatives.

In addition to her statistical pursuits, Dr. Chen has made significant contributions to various biomedical research domains. Her notable areas of focus include cancer, ophthalmology, infectious diseases, cardiovascular diseases, and suicide. Through her interdisciplinary work, she aims to address critical challenges in these fields and make meaningful advancements that have a positive impact on patient outcomes and public health.
  • Statistical Analysis with Missing Data
  • Survival Data Analysis
  • Electronic Medical Record
  • Treatment switching/Noncompliance
  • Bayesian Statistics
  • Semiparametric/Nonparametric Method, Robust Analysis
  • and More

Information for Collaborators

Curriculum Vitae

CV (updated May 2024)

Active Grants Support

  • 1R21MD019103-01: DARSaW: Developing, Assessing, and Refining Synthetic Sampling Weights to Improve Generalizability of the All of Us Research Program Data.
Role: Contact PI (with Robert M Cronin at the Ohio State University Wexner Medical Center). Period: 09/17/2023 -- 03/31/2025
  • 1R01CA237895-01A1: Time-dependent and Bidirectional Effect of Oxidative Stress - a Missing Piece of the Free Radical Theory of Cancer and its Potential Implications.
Role: MPI (with Gong Yang at Vanderbilt University Medical Center). Period: 12/01/2019 -- 11/30/2026
  • 1R37CA237452-01A1: Prediction of Anti-Cancer Medication Discontinuation via Patient Portal Messages and Structured Electronic Medical Records.
Role: Co-Investigator (PI: Yin). Period: 05/01/2020 \x{2013} 04/30/2026
  • 5U2COD23196-02: Precision Medicine Initiative Participants Preparatory/Prototyping Initiative (All of Us Research Program).
Role: Co-Investigator (PI: Harris/Roden). Period: 07/06/2016 -- 12/31/2024

Complete Grants Support (Principle Investigator Only)

  • Department Award: Improving Data Quality for Time-varying Measurements in Electronic Medical Record. Period: 01/01/2018 -- 06/30/2020
  • Subcontract Award: Center for Innovative Clinical Trials at UNC. Period: 09/01/2013-8/10/2015
  • R21 HL097334-01A2: A New Approach to Correct Verification Bias Using Auxiliary Information. Period: 12/20/2010-11/30/2014
  • U24 CA194215-01A1: Advancing Cancer Pharmacoepidemiology Research Through EHRs and Informatics. Role: Site-PI. Period: 09/01/2016 -- 08/31/2023


Pubmed here

Selected Papers:
  1. Chen Q., Ibrahim J. G. (2006) "Semiparametric Models for Missing Covariate and Response Data in Regression Models". Biometrics, 62, 177-184.
  2. Chen Q., Zeng, D., Ibrahim, J. G. (2007) "Sieve Maximum Likelihood Estimation for Missing Covariates in Regression Models". Journal of the American Statistical Association. Vol 102, 1309-1318.
  3. Chen Q., Ibrahim, J. G., Chen, M.-H., Senchaudhuri, P. (2008) ''Theory and Inference for Regression Models with Missing Response and Covariates". Journal of Multivariate Analysis. 99(6). 1302-31.
  4. Zeng, D., Chen Q., Ibrahim, J. G. (2009) "Gamma frailty transformation models for multivariate survival times''. Biometrika. 96(2):277-291.
  5. Janssen K.J.M., Vergouwe Y., Donders A.R.T., Harrell F.E. Jr., Chen Q., Grobbee D.E., Moons K.G.M. (2009) "Dealing with missing predictor values when applying clinical prediction models". Clin Chem. 2009 May;55(5):994-1001.
  6. Janssen, K.J.M., Donders, A.R.T., Harrell, F.E., Vergouwe, Y., Chen Q., Grobbee, D.E., Moons, K.G.M. (2010) "Missing covariate data in medical research: To impute is better than to ignore ". J Clin Epidemiol. 63(7):721-7.
  7. Zeng, D., Chen Q. (2010) "Adjustment for Missingness Using Auxiliary Information in Semiparametric Regression". Biometrics. 66(1):115-22.
  8. Frisse M., Johnson K., Nian H., Davidson C., Gadd C.S., Unertl K., Turri P.A., Chen Q., (2011) ``The financial impact of health information exchange on emergency department care''. Am Med Inform Assoc. 2012 May 1;19(3):328-33. PMID: 22058169.
  9. Zeng D., Chen Q., Chen M-H, Ibrahim J.G., Amgen Research Group (2012) "Estimating Treatment Effects with Treatment Crossovers via Semi-Competing Risks Models: An Application to a Colorectal Cancer Study''. Biometrika. 2012 99 (1): 167-184. Real Data Analysis codes; Simulation I in zip
  10. Wu H.*, Chen Q.*^, Ware L.B., Koyama T. (2012) "A Bayesian Approach for Generalized Linear Model with an Independent Biomarker Measurement Variable Subject to Detection-Limit -- an Application to Acute Lung Injury". Journal of Applied Statistics. 39(8): 1733-1747. * Co-first author; ^ corresponding author.
  11. Zhang Y., Chen Q., Chen M.-H., Ibrahim J.G., Zeng D., Pan Z, and Xue X. "Bayesian Analysis of Survival Data with Semi-Competing Risks and Treatment Switching''. The 2012 ICSA Applied Statistics Symposium Proceedings.
  12. Chen Q., Zeng D., Ibrahim J.G., Akacha M., and Schmidli H., (2013) "Estimating Time-varying Effects for Overdispersed Recurrent Events Data with Treatment Switching''. Biometrika 2013; 100 (2): 339-354. NIHMSID 529973
  13. Chen Q., Chen M.-H., Ohlssen D., Ibrahim J.G. "Bayesian Modeling and Inference for Clinical Trials with Partial Retrieved Data Following Drop-out''. Statistics in Medicine. 2013; 32(24): 4180-4195.
  14. Chen Q., Ibrahim, J. G. "A Note on the Relationships Between Multiple Imputation, Maximum Likelihood and Fully Bayesian Methods for Missing Responses in Linear Regression Models". Statistics and Its Interface. 2014; 6(3): 315-324.
  15. Zhang Y., Chen M.-H., Ibrahim J.G., Zeng D., Chen Q., Pan Z, and Xue X. " Bayesian gamma frailty models for survival data with semi-competing risks and treatment switching''. Lifetime Data Analysis. 2014; 20(1): 76-105.
  16. Chen Q., Wu H, Ware LB, Koyama T. "A Bayesian approach for the Cox proportional hazards model with covariates subject to detection limit". International Journal of Statistics in Medical Research. 2014; 3(1): 32-43.
  17. Chen Q., May RC, Ibrahim JG, Chu H, Cole SR. "Joint modeling of longitudinal and survival data with missing and left-censored time-varying covariates". Stat Med. 2014 Nov 20;33(26):4560-76.
  18. Zhu H., Ibrahim J.G., Chen Q. "Bayesian Case-deletion Model Complexity and Information Criterion". Statistics and Its Interface. 2014; 7(4); 531-42.
  19. Chen Q., Griffin M.R., Nian H., Zhu Y., Williams J.V., Edwards K.M, Talbot H.K. (2015) "Influenza Vaccine Prevents Medically-Attended Influenza-Associated Acute Respiratory Illness in Adults 50 Years or Older". J Infect Dis. 2015 Apr 1;211(7):1045-50.
  20. Chen Q., Zeng D., Ibrahim J.G., Chen M.-H., Pan Z., Xue X. "Quantifying the Average of the Time-varying Hazard Ratio via a Class of Transformations". Lifetime Data Anal. 2015 Apr;21(2):259-79.
  21. Chen Q., Nian H, Zhu Y, Talbot HK. (2016) "Reply to Letter to the Editor: Reply to Sullivan et al." Vaccine. Volume 34, Issue 39, 4647\x{2013}8.
  22. Chen Q., Nian H., Zhu Y., Talbot H.K., Griffin M.R. and Harrell F.E. Jr "Too Many Covariates and Too Few Cases? -- A Comparative Study". Stat Med.2016 Nov 10;35(25):4546-4558.
  23. Li R., Cheng Y., Chen Q., Jason F. (2017) "Quantile Association for Bivariate Survival Data". Biometics. 2017 Jun; 73(2):506-516.
  24. Diao G, Zeng D, Ibrahim JG, Rong A, Lee O, Zhang K, Chen Q. (2017) "Statistical design of noninferiority multiple region clinical trials to assess global and consistent treatment effects". J Biopharm Stat. 2017 Feb 13:1-12. PMID:28296570
  25. Chen Q., Harrell F.E. (2019) Comment: Penalized Spline of Propensity Methods for Treatment Comparison. Journal of the American Statistical Association. To appear.
  26. Hughey J.J., Rhoades S.D., Fu D.Y., Bastarache L., Denny J.C., Chen Q. (2019) Cox regression increases power to detect genotype-phenotype associations in genomic studies using the electronic health record. BMC Genomics. 2019 Nov 4;20(1):805. doi: 10.1186/s12864-019-6192-1.
  27. Xu H., Li J., Jiang X., and Chen Q. (2020) Electronic health records for drug repurposing: current status, challenges, and future directions. Clinical Pharmacology & Therapeutics. Clin Pharmacol Ther. 2020 Feb 3. doi: 10.1002/cpt.1769.
  28. Chen Q., Zhang F., Chen M.-H., Cong X.J. (2020) Estimation of Treatment Effects and Model Diagnostics with Two-way Time-Varying Treatment Switching: an application to a head and neck study, Lifetime Data Analysis 26(4), 685-707 (2020). PMID: 32125594.
  29. Zhang F., Chen M.-H., Cong X.J., Chen Q. (2020) Assessing Importance of Biomarkers: a Bayesian Joint Modeling Approach of Longitudinal and Survival Data with Semicompeting Risks, Statistical Modelling Journal July 27, 2020.
  30. Irlmeier R, Hughey JJ, Bastarache L, Denny JC, Chen Q (2022) On the Robustness of Cox Model to the Delayed Event Times and Its Application to PheWAS Study, Bioinformatics, 2022 Feb 14:btac086. doi: 10.1093/bioinformatics/btac086. Online ahead of print. PMID: 35157022
  31. Cronin, R.M., Feng, X., Sulieman, L., Mapes, B., Garbett, S., Able, A., Hale, R., Couper, M.P., Sansbury, H., Ahmedani, B.K. and Chen Q. (2023). Importance of missingness in baseline variables: A case study of the All of Us Research Program. Plos one, 18(5), p.e0285848.
  32. Sigworth EA, Rubenstein SM, Warner JL, Chen Y, Chen Q (2023) Building a dose toxo-equivalence model from a Bayesian meta-analysis of published clinical trials, Ann. Appl. Stat.17(4), pp.2993-3012.
  33. Guide A, Sulieman L, Garbett S, Cronin RM, Spotnitz M, Natarajan K, Carroll RJ, Harris P, Chen Q (2024) Identifying Erroneous Height and Weight Values from Adult Electronic Health Records in the All of Us Research Program. J Biomed Inform. 2024 May 23:155:104660.
  34. Guide A, Garbett S., Feng X, Mapes B.M, Cook J., Sulieman L, Cronin R.M., Chen Q. (2024) Balancing Efficacy and Computational Burden: Weighted Mean, Multiple Imputation, and Inverse Probability Weighting Methods for Item Non-Response in Reliable Scales. J Am Med Inform Assoc. 2024 Aug 13:ocae217. doi: 10.1093/jamia/ocae217


Epid 323 (Spring 2011-2012): Design and Analysis with Time-to-Event Data

Bios 323 (Fall 2012-2022): Applied Survival Analysis

MSCI (Fall 2023-): Biostatistics I (co-teach)

CQS Summer Institute (2023-): Introduction to the All of Us Research Program (co-teach)


PhD in Biostatistics 2005
Department of Biostatistics, School of Public Health, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill
Dissertation: Theory and Inference for Parametric and Semiparametric Methods in Missing Data Problem

MS in Statistics 2001
Department of Statistics, School of Arts and Sciences, University of Pittsburgh

BA in Statistics 1999
Department of Statistics and Finance, University of Science and Technology of China, P.R.China

Epid 323 (Spring 2011): Design and Analysis with Time-to-Event Data

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CV_09282012.pdfpdf CV_09282012.pdf manage 54 K 17 Oct 2012 - 11:15 QingxiaChen  
Ch1.pdfpdf Ch1.pdf manage 138 K 21 Aug 2014 - 12:58 QingxiaChen  
Cindy_061510.pdfpdf Cindy_061510.pdf manage 93 K 25 Mar 2011 - 16:08 QingxiaChen  
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IMG_1261_2.jpgjpg IMG_1261_2.jpg manage 130 K 12 Dec 2018 - 15:28 QingxiaChen  
Lab10.pdfpdf Lab10.pdf manage 72 K 07 Nov 2012 - 12:40 HuiNian  
Lab12.txttxt Lab12.txt manage 3 K 24 Nov 2012 - 20:20 HuiNian  
Lab9.pdfpdf Lab9.pdf manage 77 K 29 Oct 2012 - 14:30 HuiNian  
Resume_CindyChen.pdfpdf Resume_CindyChen.pdf manage 198 K 27 May 2024 - 15:20 QingxiaChen  
Schedule.pdfpdf Schedule.pdf manage 39 K 21 Aug 2014 - 11:42 QingxiaChen Schedule for Bios 323 (Fall 2014)
Schedule.xlsxls Schedule.xls manage 12 K 21 Aug 2014 - 10:33 QingxiaChen Schedule for Bios 323 (Fall 2014)
Syllabus.pdfpdf Syllabus.pdf manage 45 K 21 Aug 2014 - 10:32 QingxiaChen Syllabus for Bios 323 (Fall 2014)
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Topic revision: r228 - 14 Aug 2024, QingxiaChen
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