Determinant of a matrix

Determinants palys an important role in finding the inverse of a square matrix and also in solving systems of linear equations.

Determinant of a 2*2 matrix

Assuming A is an arbitrary 2*2 matrix A, where the elements are given by:
A = {{$a_{11}$,$a_{12}$},{$a_{21}$,$a_{22}$}}
then the determinant of a this matrix is as the follows:
det(A) = |A| = |{$a_{11}$,$a_{12}$},{$a_{21}$,$a_{22}$}| = $a_{11}$$a_{12}$-$a_{21}$$a_{22}$

Determinant of a 3*3 matrix

The determinant of a 3*3 matrix is found as follows
A = {{$a_{11}$,$a_{12}$,$a_{13}$},{$a_{21}$,$a_{22}$,$a_{23}$},{$a_{31}$,$a_{32}$,$a_{33}$}}

then the determinant of a this matrix is as follows:
det(A) = |A| = |{$a_{11}$,$a_{12}$,$a_{13}$},{$a_{21}$,$a_{22}$,$a_{23}$},{$a_{31}$,$a_{32}$,$a_{33}$}|
= $a_{11}$|{$a_{22}$,$a_{23}$},{$a_{32}$,$a_{33}$}|-$a_{12}$|{$a_{21}$,$a_{23}$},{$a_{31}$,$a_{33}$}|+$a_{13}$|{$a_{21}$,$a_{22}$},{$a_{31}$,$a_{32}$}|

Determinant of a n*n matrix

For the general case, where A is an n*n matrix the determinant is given by:
det(A) = |A| = $a_{11}\alpha_{11}$+$a_{12}\alpha_{12}$+...+$a_{1n}\alpha_{1n}$
Where the coefficients $\alpha_{ij}$ are given by the relation
where $\beta_{ij}$ is the determinant of the (n-1)*(n-1) matrix that is obtained by deleting row i and column j. This coefficient $\alpha_{ij}$ is also called the cofacotr of $a_{ij}$

Minor of a matrix

A minor of a matrix is the determiniant of a certain samller matrix. Suppose A is an m*n matrix and k is a positive integer not larger than m and n. A k*k minor of A is the determinant of a k*k matrix obtained from A by deleting m-k rows and n-k coulmns.
given the matrix A = {{1,4,7}{3,0,5}{-1,9,11}}
the minor $M_{23}$ of A is
$M_{23}$ = {{1,4}{-1,9}}

Adjoint of a matrix

Adjoint matrix can be calculated by the following method
  • Given the n*n matrix A, define
    B = ($b_{ij}$)
to be the matrix whose coefficients are found by taking the determinant of the (n-1)*(n-1) matrix obtained by deleting the ith row and jth column of A. The terms of B(i.e. B = $b_{ij}$) are known as the cofactors of A.
  • And define the matrix C, where
    $c_{ij} = (-1)^{i+j} b_{ij}$
  • The transpose of C is called the adjoint of Matrix A.
Topic revision: r5 - 06 May 2009, WikiGuest
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