Statistical Methods and Computing Problems | Solutions | Data Manipulation Problems

These problems are intended to help staff and faculty improve their statistical computing (in R and other software) and analysis skills. Solutions should be e-mailed to, and later some solutions will be posted. Ideas for problems are welcomed.

Statisticians in the Department of Biostatistics get together, typically weekly, to work together on these problems. Once per month Dr Harrell joins the group to go over solutions.

Next Meeting:

Problem Assigned Due
1 10 May 2004 28 May 2004
2 4 June 2004 12 Jul 2004
3 27 Oct 2004 17 Nov 2004

Suggestions for future Puzzler topics:
  • Puzzler 4 - Data Manipulation in R (including dealing with date variables)
  • Puzzler 5 - Data Simulation in R (data distribution and testing)

Suggestions for future meeting topics:
  • Boostrapping/Model Validation; Frank Harrell
  • Graphics
  • How to validate a lab test?
  • Bayesian Statistics

Future meetings:
  • Thursday April 7: Free -- Open to questions/data
  • Thursday April 14: Model Building/Shrinkage/Variable Selection; Frank Harrell
  • Thursday April 21: Venables & Ripley Chapter
  • Thursday April 28: Venables & Ripley Chapter
  • Thursday May 5: Venables & Ripley Chapter
  • Thursday May 12: Free -- Open to questions/data
  • Thursday May 19: Multiple Imputation; Frank Harrell
  • Thursday May 26: Venables & Ripley Chapter
Topic revision: r18 - 31 Mar 2005, TheresaScott
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