Faculty Appointments and Promotions

Tasks to be completed by Applicant and Division Chief

  • CV (suggested format can be found here: CV format)
  • Documentation of Teaching Form (both tracks). Downloadable at: http://www.mc.vanderbilt.edu/medschool/teaching.php
  • Critical Reference Form (both tracks). Downloadable at: http://www.mc.vanderbilt.edu/medschool/critical.php
  • Reference letters. At least 5 (Average is 8) for appointments and promotions on both tracks.
    • The Department recommends obtaining 6 outside letters of which 4 are independent and 2 are non-independent (mentors, collaborators), and 4 inside letters.
    • If the faculty member has done significant teaching, 3 letters from former students are recommended.
    • Letters must be requested by the Chair, and all letters must be forwarded to the parent committtee.
    • Depending on the nature of the promotion sought, the Chair will ask references to
      • compare the candidate with others at a similar stage
      • comment on whether the candidate would qualify for promotion at their institution
      • comment on the quality of journals in which the candidate has published and about the "splash" of her publications
  • Reprints of up to 3 Manuscripts (when promotion is to Associate Professor with Tenure)
  • One-half page biosketch describing education and training (required for Board of Trust approval for tenure)

Tasks to be completed by Chair

  • Promotion/Appointment Letter addressed to Dean including comments about the letters of reference
  • Salary Letter to Dean (Sent separately)

Departmental Committee Review

  • Departmental Appointments and Promotions Committee (All appointments and promotions)
  • Departmentmental Professors Committee (All tenure track appointments and promotions)

Committee on Faculty Appointments and Promotions,
2004 - 2005

Raymond DuBois, M.D., Chair
Ann Richmond, Ph.D. , Co-Chair
Naji Abumrad, M.D.
John Algren, M.D.
William Dupont, Ph.D.
Kathleen Gould, Ph.D.
Jean Simpson, M.D.
Roland Stein, Ph.D.
Paul Sternberg, Jr., M.D., Ph.D.

Topic revision: r4 - 12 Nov 2006, BonnieLaFleur
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