
Note: This combination of the PS program and the Windows emulation software needed to make it run on OS X has been tested on a very limited number of systems. It may or may not work on your particular Macintosh system. We appreciate reports of problems that will help to get the program running on more systems.

ps_icon.jpg (254 MB)

We are using a tool called Wineskin ("a tool used to make ports of Windows software to Mac OS X") to install PS on Macintosh computers. The program has been tested on Macintosh systems running OS X 10.7 ("Lion").

To obtain the PS program for Macintosh, click here. The file (254 MB)will be downloaded to the Downloads folder. Use the Finder to open the Downloads folder and double click on the zip file to expand the program. You will see the expanded PS program with the PS logo. It is customary to store programs in the Applications folder so drag the file there. You can run the PS program by double clicking on the PS icon. If you wish to keep the PS icon on the Dock for easy access then, when the program is running, ctrl-click on the icon, select Options in the pop-up menu, and click "Keep in Dock".

Depending on your settings, you might see a message that the PS program "can’t be opened because it is from an unidentified developer". If this happens then right click (ctrl-click) on the PS icon in the Applications folder, click on Open and then click on Run.


ps_icon.jpg pssetup3.exe (3.5 MB) (This is the same installer as for Windows. It depends on the presence of Wine on the installing computer for it and the installed program to function correctly.)

We have succeeded in running the program on the Linux (Ubuntu) operating system using Wine. You need at least version 1.1.10 of Wine for the program to run correctly and it runs a little better on each subsequent Wine release. We are using it successfully on a number of Linux computers.

To install Wine on a computer running Ubuntu Linux, use the command sudo apt-get install wine. Then click here or on the icon above to download the PS installer (i.e. pssetup3.exe). Once pssetup3.exe is downloaded, click on it to begin the installation.

The PS program uses the symbol font (symbol.ttf) to render Greek characters. This seems to work correctly with versions of Ubuntu later than 9.10. If you use an earlier version, you will need to obtain that font and install it so that the Greek characters will display correctly. As of version 9.10 of Ubuntu and Kubuntu there is a package available called "ttf-symbol-replacement" which is described as a "Free font with the same metrics as Symbol".

-- DalePlummer - 12 Aug 2014
Topic revision: r1 - 12 Aug 2014, DalePlummer
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