
Algorithm component:

3D component:

  • multiScaling3D class:
    • Description
      • It includes main function.
      • Define a lot of callback functions
    • Main members
      • void main()
      • public void onResetAxisVertexBuffer(object sender, eventArgs e) //Enable or disable axis
      • private void onKeyEvent(object sender, KeyEventArgs e)
      • private void renderText() //Render group legend
      • private void onFullscreenClicked(object sender, eventArgs e)
      • private void onLoadDataClicked(object sender, eventArgs e)
      • private void refreshImage() //refresh image
      • private void onCoordinatedClicked(object sender, eventArgs e) //Enable or disable coordinate
      • private void onSetImageClosed(object sender, System.eventArgs e) //
      • private void onSetImageClicked(object sender, eventArgs e) // open a setImage form
      • private void onSaveImageClicked(object sender, eventArgs e) // save an image
      • private void onLoadDataClicked(object sender, eventArgs e) //
      • private framework sampleFramework // 3D Framework
      • private vertexBuffer vb // primitive vertex
      • private vertexBuffer axisVB // axis vertex
      • private dataMng dataMngOP // data
      • private primitives primitiveOP //primitive class
      • private mainMenu mm //menu

  • primitives class
    • Description
      • create primitive vertex according to dataMng
    • Main members
      • public vertexBuffer createPrimitives(dataMng data,Device d) //It is tetrahedrons.There are four faces, four trangles, 4 points and twelve vertices. The four points coulde be expressed as 1(0,3m,0), 2(-2.499m,-m,-1.414m), 3(-2.499m,-m,-1.414m), 4(0,-m,2.828m)
  • menu class (functions) define events in the main class, multiScaling3D.
    • Description
      • The default 3D platform doesn't have menu. The class generates a main menu.
    • Main functions
      • file
        • load data file
        • save data file
        • save image
        • exit
      • view
        • full screen
        • coordinates option
        • set image
    • help
  • dataMng class
    • Description
      • load data
    • Members
      • public void loadFile(string fileName) //load data from file
      • public void loadData(string [] inDataID,string[] inGroupList,int[] inGroupID,decimal[][] inDataSection) //load data from array
      • public string[] getDataID
      • public string[] getGroupList
      • public int[] getGroupID
      • public decimal getDataSection //Return dataset
      • public void normalizedByMax() //Normalize dataset by dividing max value.

  • misc
    • setImage class
      • Description
        • A form to reset image size
        • to enable or disable specified group visibility
        • to change group color
      • Main members
        • public setImage(int inWidth, int inHeight,ref dataMng inDataMngOP)
      • internal class groupElement
        • Description
          • Retreave a group info from dataMng to generate related form elements.
          • Group enable is checkBox
          • Group color is button to popup colorDialog
        • Main members
          • public groupElement(GroupBox inGroupBox,ref dataMng inDatamng,int inGroupIND)
          • public void show() //add the groupElement into form
          • private void colorButton_Click(object sender, System.eventArgs e) //popup colorDialog
          • private void enableCheckBox_CheckedChanged(object sender, system.eventArgs e)
          • private CheckBox enableCheckBox
          • private System.Windows.Forms.Button colorButton
          • private ColorDialog colorDialog1


  • User can operate groups, such as update color, disable visualization, in loadData class. Primitive class will reload data for each frame.
  • Multi-scaling algorithm is too complex to write in c#.
Topic revision: r10 - 11 Jul 2005, HuimingLi
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