Massion Serum 518 Study

  • Start Date: 11 Nov 2004
  • Research Drive Directory: /Massion/041111_serum-518/
  • Data Type: MassSpec
  • Notes:
  • Status:
    • sum 100%
    • avg 100%


Analysis Requests

  • Normalized by sum data
  • Normalized by average data

  1. Training A: Cases (93) vs Controls (91)
    • Test 1 Cases (52) vs Controls (58)
    • Test 2 Cases (104) vs Controls (33)
    • Test 3 Cases (68) vs Controls (19)
  2. Training B: Cases (119) vs Controls (121)
    • Test 1 Cases (104) vs Controls (75)
    • Test 2 Cases (94) vs Controls (5)
  3. Training C: Cases (213) vs Controls (126)
    • Test 1 Cases (104) vs Controls (75)


  • Controls are normal
  • Cases are cancer

Change Log:

Contact Info:

  • Primary Study Contact Person:


Topic revision: r3 - 10 Mar 2005, WillGray
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